Your angels, spirit animals and spirit guides, in general, are supposed to be connecting and communicating with you, offering guidance for your life and acting as a source of light and encouragement.

If you aren’t experiencing this, what’s the problem? As it turns out, it’s probably largely you yourself that stands in your own way, as well as the way of your spirit guides! Everything from your attitude to even the things that you eat can affect the connection with your spirit guides.

Never fear, however, there are a lot of things you can do in order to open the channels again. You are the problem, and you are also the solution.

Here are seven common problems that almost everyone faces. Of course, there are many more that you may discover in your own journey, so take these as a beginning point of examination and take a good look at your own heart and lifestyle:


So you’re new to the spiritual work game. That is no big deal! However, it can trip you up a little if you don’t know what you’re doing. The best practice is to not do much at all! Keep an open heart and mind, of course, but learn to relax your mind, perhaps through daily meditation, hold onto your patience and keep your expectations realistic.

You can also practice heightening all of your senses and increasing your awareness. Again, don’t constantly be on the lookout, but instead, open the channels of your receptiveness.


You attract what’s around you. Is your home a big pile of clutter with random objects lost in the fray? Is your desk even visible under those stacks of who-knows-what? The state of your affairs can reflect your heart. This is why space clearing is so important in Feng Shui. Clean space, clean spirit!

That’s the kind of spirit and environment that your guides are attracted to. Make things as easy as possible on them and create the most appealing, welcoming atmosphere to them, and let them get to work.


Waiting for a gigantic sign with life directions to fall out of the sky and hit you on the head…literally? It’s time to move on and instead focus on your bond with your guides.

You never know how your guides will contact you, and by setting your expectations even really high, you’re putting them in a box and limiting yourself more than anything. Sometimes the gestures will be big and grand; other times, they will be just mere feelings, gentle whispers in your heart or your ears, or a fleeting visual.

Sometimes, these signs are even more powerful than a huge clap of thunder! Find the small signs, and the big ones may or may not come. It doesn’t matter! Once you connect with your guides, you’ll realize that the sign and the journey with the spirits itself are what matters.


If you’re constantly wondering and anxiously waiting for messages from your spirit guides, the internal turmoil and anxiety you’re building up could cause you to miss it altogether! Plus, when you’re in this state, you aren’t having faith in your guides, you’re demanding to have your way and your results. Where’s the beauty in that?

Building up your patience also builds your trust in your guides, thus strengthening your bond all the more. When you’re facing challenges, you can still know that your guides have your best interests at heart and that they will be there for you at just the right time.

When you aren’t looking for it, all kinds of great things can happen unexpectedly. With a stronger bond with your guide, you’ll start to recognize that the coincidences that seem so fortuitously timed are intentional messages and guidance from the spirits who care about you.


The chaos of certain relationships and situations can certainly be the utmost distractions. When you’re constantly squabbling with an acquaintance or trying to make everyone happy, you yourself aren’t happy. You’re agitated, likely closed off, and unfocused. This can make it hard to connect with your spirit guides.

Ask your guides to help you clear your heart. Get rid of the negativity and fear and replace it with the peaceful, loving energy of positivity. Also ask your guides to help point out any relationships that you may have outgrown, ones that are only slowing you down and harming more than helping.

It’s okay to trim back relationships that are draining you of valuable emotional and spiritual energy. While it’s important to still love everyone around you no matter what, it’s your choice who to pour yourself into. The more negative energy you collect around yourself, your friends included, the harder it will be for your spirit guides to connect to you.


Humans are clusters of energy waves, moving faster and faster all the time. As a human, you have agreed to see yourself as solid form through consensus reality. Everything you do and think, everything you eat and drink, in fact, everything you put into and around your body effects the overall vibration of your entire being.

After all, we are energy, and the food is energy for us, thus affecting our energy overall. Therefore, it is quite essential that you pay attention to the vibrations of the foods you eat. When you eat foods that have a high and rapid vibration, you are more able to hold a strong, healthy, exuberant, and joyful state.

When, on the other hand, you eat foods of a slower, lower frequency, you lower your vibrations and, wonder why you don’t feel quite so good that day. Each of us has a signature vibration; each food you ingest contributes to that vibration.

Here are some of the foods for lower vibrations that you should avoid, not just for nutrition and toxin’s sakes:

• Genetically modified (GMO) food, and conventional food that’s been treated with chemicals and pesticides
• White rice and flours
• Sugars, sweeteners (artificial, etc.)
• Coffee
• Alcohol
• Meat, fish, and poultry
• Processed, packaged, canned and fast foods
• Unhealthy oils, like canola, cottonseed, margarine, and vegetable oils
• Frozen foods
• Pasteurized cows milk, yogurt, and cheese
• Cooked foods, deep-fried foods and microwaving food


Our egos can be one of the biggest trip-ups of all. When it’s chattering away in our ears that it knows best, tell it to be quiet for a bit! When you’re analyzing everything, you can break the connection with your guides. Some of the sweetest moments come when you have sudden clarity and insight that you hadn’t seen before.

Your guides want you to have faith in them, and it also creates the space for all the miracles they want for you. They may not be earth-shattering and crazy every time, but by letting them come to you instead of dissecting every little thing, you can reap their benefits more often and be amazed by their simple beauty.


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