Consequences of Smoking Environment

What Are the Consequences of Smoking for the Environment?

We constantly talk about the consequences of smoking tobacco for the human body. But what about the effects of smoking on the environment? Unless you have been living on another planet for the last several years, you will most likely be aware that smoking, without a doubt, can damage your personal health. There are posters, adverts, and placards everywhere, not to mention the…

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Alternative Energy Sources

How Alternative Energy Sources Save Money & the Environment

Did you know that one of the best ways to combat the rising cost of living is to switch to alternative energy sources? None of us are strangers to the ever-increasing cost of living in this day and age. Money seems to fly out of pockets faster than in flies in, and all of us would love to be able to cut down…

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Man Planting Trees Same Place Every Day

This Man Has Been Planting Trees, Every Day, For 37 Years

This is an interesting story…a story of an Indian man known as Jadav Payeng who started planting trees at the same place since 1979 to recover what looked like a lost island. By ‘lost’ we are talking about an island whose natural beauty had been destroyed through human activities like farming. However, one man was determined to beat the odds and reverse all…

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How to Start A Sustainable Community

How to Start a Sustainable Community and Why It Is Beneficial

The words 'sustainable community' may seem unfamiliar to you. However, they are starting to creep into everyday language. Mindsets are starting to change, and people are starting to understand the idea behind sustainable living. Communities that emphasize shared resources and eating organic products are starting to develop. Sustainable living means a lifestyle change. It is embracing new perceptions and way of life. What are the…

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Happiest Countries World Their Secret

Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World: What Is Their Secret?

Which are the happiest countries on Earth? You may be surprised by what really makes people who live in these countries feel happy. You might have read many theories about happiness and its definition. But basically, it can be broken down into two theories; Happy people accept the bad things that happen to them and believe that they will survive no matter what.…

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Help To Improve the environment

Ways You Can Help To Improve The Environment Without Spending A Fortune

We all know that being good to the environment is the right thing to do, for ourselves and for future generations. But it can seem like to make a big impact on the environment you have to do something extraordinary and potentially expensive like buying a hybrid car, having solar panels fitted or only buying more expensive locally sourced food. Big gestures may…

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