alternatives to processed sugar

10 Untold Organic Alternatives to Processed Sugar

To live a healthier lifestyle, you must reduce the consumption of processed sugar as one of the most important steps towards your goal. Artificial sources or processed sugar in various forms can be unhealthy. Here are ten alternative sources of natural and organic sugar to sweeten your food or drinks. From foods to favorite drinks, manufacturers of foodstuffs use artificial sweeteners to lure…

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Reasons You Need More Broccoli in Your Life

5 Reasons You Need More Broccoli in Your Life

If you haven’t already welcomed this cruciferous vegetable into your diet with open arms, now is the time to start. Don’t let residual childhood feelings of broccoli based fear and loathing keep you from giving this green a chance. If you need some motivation, check out these 5 reasons to eat more broccoli — your body will thank you! 1. Cancer Prevention Broccoli…

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Bordalo II - Amazing Street Art Murals From Trash

This Incredible Artist Creates Amazing Street Art Murals From Trash

Bordalo II is a promising artist trying to change the world through street art. His works are a way of condemning the “throwaway culture” that dominates the world we live in and transmitting the message of recycling. What a mission, and what an amazing way to achieve it! Bordalo II goes against the flow of overconsumption and rapid obsolescence. Animal suffering due to…

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Do What You Love

Do What You Love for a Living: This Is the Key to Success

Every person has to work to make a living. However, the point is to do what you love, if you want to be truly successful. From having stressful jobs to having a profession that you do not really like or enjoy, sometimes many of us want to just quit our jobs and to do what we love to do. But considering the practicality…

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00-the Secrets to Tiny House Living

Tiny House Dweller Shares Her Inspiring Story and Secrets

These days when you ask someone how they are feeling a likely response is “stressed out”. In a world where personal debt is high, jobs have been difficult to come by and chronic illness on the rise we find that stress levels are at an all-time high. How do we escape? You may have noticed the “Tiny House Movement” has experienced a huge…

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How To Find Relationship Happiness

How To Find Relationship Happiness

While marriage and relationship happiness may not be the first priority for everyone, for many people, that is the ideal outcome. These things are part of the major steps in life. Your first major steps came when you took your first steps. Then you graduated high school, maybe even graduated college, and hopefully followed that with your dream career. These life steps don't always happen…

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Life-Changing Questions You Need to Ask Yourself

6 Life-Changing Questions You Need to Ask Yourself in Your 20’s

I remember my mom’s mid-life crisis. She was about 40, I guess when she decided that teaching rich kids in an exclusive private school was meaningless. So she just walked away. The following fall found her in a dingy classroom in one of the poorest school districts in our city, a classroom in which we spent many weekends scrubbing, painting, and sanding off…

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Lifestyle Affects Your DNA

How Your Lifestyle Affects Your DNA & How to Create a Healthy Legacy with Nature

“Place your hands into soil to feel grounded. Wade in water to feel emotionally healed. Fill your lungs with fresh air to feel mentally clear. Raise your face to the heat of the sun and connect with that fire to feel your own immense power.” - Victoria Erickson Did you know that your lifestyle affects your DNA? In fact, your DNA is being altered…

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