Mindfulness Meditation Can Significantly Alleviate Stress

Just 25 Minutes Of Mindfulness Meditation Can Significantly Alleviate Stress

American scientists studied the effects of mindfulness meditation on stress levels and came to the conclusion that just three consecutive days of 25-minute meditation can significantly alleviate stress. The technique of mindfulness meditation has helped many people to improve the overall state of their mind and body. However, until now, most studies have been mainly focused only on the therapeutic effects of long-term…

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Possibility of Time Travel

Computer Simulation Confirms the Possibility of Time Travel

Using photons, Australian scientists managed to create a model in which quantum particles can move back in time. As it turned out, the laws of standard quantum mechanics may be violated at the same time. Physicists from the University of Queensland in Australia set out to simulate a computer experiment, which could prove the possibility of time travel at the quantum level, predicted…

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world change

How Will the World Change by 2025?

Having analyzed huge volumes of data regarding the scientific studies and patent applications, the company Thomson Reuters, a child agency of Reuters, came up with a list of ten innovations that promise a dramatic world change by 2025. Intellectual Property and Science Department of the company initially identified ten areas of scientific research which are most often referred to in the scientific literature.…

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