8 Sinus Pressure Points to Instantly Relieve Congestion and Pain

Published by
Michelle Liew, B.A.

Do you have a perpetually blocked nose or sound like a muffled speaker? Find out about sinus pressure points.

Sinusitis can leave you feeling stuffed up. At its worst, it makes breathing difficult. You will also experience pain in your nose. So, how does pressing on particular points relieve sinus pressure? This article has some answers.

What is sinusitis?

To answer this question, you must know what the sinuses are. These are hollow cavities located in the skull. Each is about an inch long.

You will find your maxillary sinuses in your cheekbones, and the frontal bones in the low center of your forehead.
Your ethmoid sinuses are between your eyes, while the sphenoid sinuses are in the bones just behind your nose. Pink, soft tissue called mucosa line these cavities. They are usually empty but for a thin mucus layer. Ridges, called turbinates, filter air and humidify it.

The middle meatus is a structure that drains sinuses into the nose. It has less or no ability to do so when mucus floods the sinuses. Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, may occur at this point.

Causes of Sinus

What causes the irritating blockages in the nose? You are probably aware of some of the causes and risk factors of sinusitis, but some of them can be somewhat surprising.

1. Nasal Polyps

First of all are Nasal Polyps. These are tissue growths that block the sinuses, or nasal cavities.

2. Deviated Nasal Septum

Simply put, this is a crooked Septum or the wall that you may find between your nostrils. It may block nasal passages and cause congestion.

3. Respiratory tract infections

Colds and other diseases that plague your respiratory tract may thicken the membranes in your sinuses and prevent mucus from flowing into the nose. Note that a condition such as Asthma can cause chronic sinusitis.

4. Allergies

Hay fever or other allergies can result in sinusitis. The inflammation that comes with them can block your sinuses.

5. Immune System Disorders

Immune system disorders, such as HIV or cystic fibrosis, can cause sinusitis.

6. Exposure to pollutants

You may get a sinus infection if you expose yourself to contaminants like cigarette smoke.

Types of Sinuses

Acute Sinusitis lasts for a short duration. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, it is about four weeks. It typically accompanies respiratory illnesses. Chronic Sinus Infections, conversely, are recurrent.

Sinus symptoms

All these symptoms are typical of both acute and chronic sinusitis. A doctor will best advise you if you have an infection.

1. Pain in the sinuses

First of all, pain comes with sinusitis. The sinuses ache because of inflammation. You may experience pain on either side of your nose, in your forehead, or in your jaws and teeth.

2. Nasal Discharge

You may need to blow your nose often because of nasal discharge that comes from the infected sinuses. It drains into your nasal passages and may flow down the back of your throat, causing it to either tickle, itch or become sore.

3. Nasal Congestion

Of course, breathing will be difficult because of nasal congestion. It causes clogging in your sinuses and nasal passages.

4. Sinus Headaches

Swollen sinuses can trigger headache symptoms. Sinus pain can cause earaches, dental pain, and aching jaws. They are worst in the morning because they have been collecting the whole night.

5. Throat irritation

The discharge of the flows into the back of your throat may cause it to feel irritated. You may also develop a persistent cough.

6. A Sore Throat

You may have an aching, swollen throat as well. The mucus may inflame your throat, causing it to become hoarse.

Why Is Acupressure the Ideal Treatment for Sinus Congestion?

Acupressure may be the solution to your clogged sinuses. But what is it exactly? The Chinese believe that the body has acupoints from which our energy, or qi, flow. Any disruption to these points causes a break in the flow of Qi. Illness results when that happens.

Acupressure is the process of applying physical pressure, with either the hand or assistive devices, on the body. It circulates body fluids and thus brings relief.

With consistent therapy, acupressure benefits a person’s health in many ways. Tapping on your sinus pressure points will free your sinuses from blockages.

1. Fast Healing

First of all, acupressure relieves tense muscles, improves blood circulation, and encourages your body to heal. If you are battling an illness, this can speed up the recovery process.

2. Reduces pain

Also, applying pressure to the part of your body that feels pain will remove the blockages causing it. Acupressure is thus useful for people who suffer from migraines. You will have less need for medication. This study affirms that it decreases pain.

3. Anti-Aging

Furthermore, acupressure increases blood circulation and improves your facial muscle tone. It thus removes the annoying fine lines and crow’s feet on your skin.

4. Relaxes the body

Another benefit of acupressure is its ability to calm your brain. It helps your body to adapt to pressurizing situations.
This research proves that it reduces anxiety levels.

8 Sinus Pressure Points to Instantly Relieve Congestion and Pain

You can use acupressure to decrease your sinuses and give yourself relief. Pressing on these 8 points will ease congestion and relieve sinus pressure.

1. The base of the nose

First of all, push against each side of the bottom of your nose with your index fingers. Doing this will open up your sinuses.

2. Inner eyebrow

Then, pinch your inner eyebrow with your index fingers. Applying pressure on this point will bring you more relief.

3. Eye Sockets and Eyebrows

Apply pressure to the part of your face where the eye socket and the eyebrow meet.

4. Outer Edge of the Eyebrow Bone

Use your index fingers to put pressure on the outer edge of your eyebrow bone.

5. Cheekbone and Eye Socket

Put pressure on the point that’s just below your eye socket and above your cheekbone.

6. Inner Corners of Eyes and Nose

Apply pressure on the parts of your face where the inner corner of your eye and nose meet.

7. Top of the sternum

This congestion point may not be familiar but is one that will bring you relief when you press on it. Put your fingers on the top of your sternum, where it meets your collarbone.

8. Middle of the clavicle (Collarbone)

Finally, use two fingers to apply pressure to the center of your collarbone.

In all, using sinus pressure points helps to ease the pain that comes with stubborn sinuses. The simple exercise will bring you some relief.

Published by
Michelle Liew, B.A.