10 Sinus Headache Symptoms and Natural Remedies to Cure Them

Published by
Holly Walden

This article explains the most common sinus headache symptoms. It will also elaborate on easy natural remedies to relieve this condition.

Sinusitis, an infection of the respiratory system, is the cause of sinus headaches. Sinus headache symptoms tend to cause intense pain across the nose and cheeks. This pain could actually last for days if not properly treated. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural remedies that will help you get a relief.


If this is your first time reading about sinus headache symptoms and how to treat them at home, then you must start from the basics.

Below the skin of your face, you have several spaces in the bones called sinuses. Doctors believe that there are four pairs across the nose, cheeks, and the top of the eyes.

At the moment, scientific research has not yet found out the exact role of sinuses. Nonetheless, whenever you get an infection in your respiratory system, you will most likely get sinusitis.

This disease can affect your body in many different ways, but usually, it comes in the form of sinus headaches which are painful and can last for days. Even so, there are two important lessons to learn from this article: first, it is important to quickly identify sinus headache symptoms and two, learn to apply natural remedies which can cure the illness.

The 10 Most Common Sinus Headache Symptoms.

Whenever a person gets a respiratory infection followed by sinusitis, every pair of sinuses will swell up and cause many underlying disorders. In this article, you will learn how to identify the most common sinus headache symptoms:

  1. Pain: if you have a sinus headache, you will experience it in your cheeks, the bridge of your nose and above your eyes.
  2. Inflammation: Sometimes, you feel the swelling in your entire face, but on occasions, it might affect only one side.
  3. Fever: the temperature of your body may rise above the normal level.
  4. Blocked nose: since sinuses are swollen, tons of fluids are produced to try and expel the infections.
  5. A lessened sense of smell: the high amount of sinus fluid and mucus in your nose will impair the right functioning of your nose. Once you get a treatment for your sinusitis, you will gradually get it back.
  6. Mucus: although the nose normally produces mucus, once you have a sinus headache, it will create green or yellow mucus nonstop.
  7. Frequent and long-lasting headaches: many times, people confuse sinus headaches with a migraine. However, the difference lays in the fact that sinus headaches can last more than 15 days.
  8. Fatigue: you will lose your appetite, which will result in fatigue and sometimes drowsiness.
  9. Worsening pain: if you have a sinus headache, your pain tends to increase if you bend forward or go to bed.
  10. A pressure in your face: you will feel mild pressure in your cheeks, nose, and brow.

Natural Remedies to Relieve Sinus Headache Symptoms.

If you are being affected by most of these sinus headache symptoms, there many different ways to relieve them. Here you have a list of natural remedies to try:

Remedy #1: Flush your nose with a salt water solution.

By using a salt water solution, you can actually decongest your nose. Simply boil some water, then add a couple of teaspoons of salt and baking soda. Afterwards, simply introduce water into your nose by using a neti pot.

Repeat the process until your nose feels clearer. Spencer C. Payne, MD, recommends this remedy as “(…) Saline spray and washes like the neti pot are indisputable”.

Remedy #2: Use a warm washcloth.

Heat is a natural way to relieve pain and pressure. Therefore, place a washcloth in hot water and wring it out. Gently place it across the bridge of your nose and cheeks. Hold it for a few minutes and repeat the process from the beginning.

Remedy #3: Use bromelain.

It is a protein found in pineapple stems which are sold as supplements. It can do wonders like reducing swelling in the nasal passages.

Remedy #4: Breath in steam.

Hot water vapor is a natural moisturizer of the sinuses. A hot steamy bath can loosen up mucus which is filling up your nose. For more relief, “Sprinkle a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol in the water”, said Robert Graham, MD, MPH.

Remedy #5: Stay hydrated.

By staying hydrated, you are helping your body overcome your sinusitis. This is very beneficial as it keeps your sinuses moist. It is important to drink water throughout the day and avoid drinking caffeine or alcoholic drinks which lead to dehydration.

Dr. Graham suggests that it is advisable to drink at least 8-ounces of water each day. Knowing if you are hydrated is quite simple, Dr. Graham said: “If the color of your urine is clear, you are hydrated”.

Remedy #6: Use a humidifier.

A humidifier is great to tackle sinus headaches as it can keep the air moist. Dr. Satish Govindaraj, MD at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City totally recommends it to patients. He states that it is important to keep it clean to avoid any allergies.

Also, he said that it is important to use it only during dry months. He said: “Thirty-five to fifty percent humidity is ideal”.


Sinus headaches symptoms can be painful. Pay close attention to this article so you can quickly identify the symptoms and start a treatment. If you want to try alternative natural and home remedies, give a try to a couple of the methods previously mentioned.

These are excellent to break the sinus pain cycle. After a few days of treatment, you will immediately feel the relief.


By Daniel G.

Published by
Holly Walden