Alternative Energy

Audacious Water Challenge: This Guy Drank a Gallon of Water Every Day for 30 Days!

Published by
Egline J., B.A.

The idea of taking at least two liters of water every day is quite popular around the world.

Medical experts, both the certified and the self-proclaimed swear by it.

Bottling companies make sure that somewhere on the bottle label, they will stress how absolutely vital it is to drink two liters of water a day and how much of a treat you are giving your body by indulging in their product.

The truth, however, is that an overwhelming majority of people still take a glass of water a day, sometimes two for those who are ahead on the ‘water challenge’.

Water is Life

Well, water is proven to account for about 60 percent of your body weight (depending on age and gender) plus it performs crucial functions in the body, such as aiding digestion and keeping joints lubricated.

So, it’s essential to stay hydrated by replacing the body’s normal water losses (through breathing, sweating and, obviously, excretion). But is this seemingly monstrous task of taking two liters of water actually possible?

The Water Challenge By Will Fulton

A curious journalist, by the name Will Fulton, decided to try the Water Gallon Challenge. This basically involved taking a gallon of water every day for a month!

Upon doing a quick Google search, I discovered that a gallon roughly equates to 3.7 liters or sixteen glasses. Think about that again, taking 16 glasses of water a day for a month. The thought itself is quite daunting.

Fulton had two major hurdles in the water challenges. To begin with, getting himself to drink all 16 glasses worth of a gallon faithfully. To deal with this problem he carried his gallon everywhere he went including to the office, to his car, and even to bed – which goes without saying, ‘someone’ was probably not pleased about sharing a bed with someone obsessed with some kind of water bottle.

Day 1: Fulton Found It Very Hard To Drink The Entire Gallon

Anyway, on the first day, he forced himself to chug down to the very last drop even as late as a few minutes to midnight. This felt like an accomplishment, after all, how many men can confidently stake claim to having taken four liters of any drink?

Of course, not counting the gentlemen who spend hours in the bar chatting and drinking beer one crate at a time.

The other hurdle in the water challenge was having to carry around a 4-liter capacity bottle literally everywhere as he figured it was easier to take it full gallon rather than dividing it by cups on the daily.

Credit: Cole Saladino/Thrilist

Day 5; Fulton Is Peeing Every 20 Minutes & Everyone In The Office Think He Has a Drug Problem

Fast forward to day five and Mr. Will was still trying with continuously drink even when he was not thirsty. He points out, “If you feel thirsty, it means you’re already dehydrated”. However, by this time he had already overcome the first part of the water challenge i.e thirst, but the other challenge was that he had to pee a lot.

On the other hand, some positives started coming along with his experiment: One, he did not eat a lot anymore as he just did not feel hungry plus he felt a marked increase in his energy levels. His hair also felt nice, silky smooth. He, however, notes that drinking a gallon a day had still not gotten any easier.

Credit: Cole Saladino/Thrilist

2 Weeks Into The Water Challenge: He Is Feeling Refreshed & Energetic

A fortnight into the Gallon Challenge experiment and the benefits of taking in all this water really kicked in. He felt like a “ball of energy” and he no longer needed the regular 2-3 cups of coffee every day to keep him going.

That was a brilliant step away from caffeine he was so accustomed to. He even felt that he moved little faster in his “nightly runs”. He slept better too – the sort of refreshing sleep that comes as a result of not having to toss and turn in bed due to excessive heat in the body.

Most crucially, by this time it became easier to drink the whole gallon in a day. In fact, he felt extremely thirsty when he wasn’t drinking. What a difference a fortnight makes!

Three weeks later, his colleagues at work described him as being considerably less grumpy. Somehow, he thinks the water had something to do with uplifting his spirits.

Day 25: His Work Life Had Improved

By day 25, the compliments started coming in. His girlfriend asserted that his skin looked better, his editor begrudgingly admitted that his journal work had improved a notch. Even his pee became crystal clear, which is probably not so much of a compliment, but a feel-good factor. The thrilling energy still coursed through his veins.

Day 30: The Water Challenge Ends & Fulton is Happy To Have Found Out The Importance of Drinking Enough Water

By day 30 at the conclusion of this experiment, Fulton says “I think drinking a full gallon of water is a little excessive, but I did realize that I certainly had not been drinking enough this whole time.” This was probably a sentiment borne out of his body adapting to a super-hydrated state.

Well, that was one hell of a water challenge! However, we do not advocate for a gallon of water a day, as we are of different body sizes and in different occupations but still, the benefits of increased water apply to Will Fulton as they will to everyone who puts in some effort.

So, why not start your own water challenge today and see the benefits that water can have on your life?



Image credit: Cole Saladino/Thrilist

View Comments

  • how is it a challenge when your suppose to at least consume a gallon of water a day?? are people really this stupid??

  • I love these. A gallon is nothing. Live through 4 years of chemo and radiation and its after effects. A gallon a day? Hell, I'd like to cut back to that much!

  • I drink a gallon to one and half gallon of distilled water everyday. Been doing if for 4 years now. Never looked better-never had abs before...

    • Thats a myth. Reverse osmosis is close to distilled. So don't drink that either?? Lol. I get my nutrients and minerals from food not water.

    • Hate to break it to you bud but it's not the water giving you abs that's working out

    • I drink distilled water all the time by the gallon for up to a week. The rest of the time I drink bottled water. Its perfectly fine. Its a great way to lose weight tho. Ive lost up to six pounds overnight drinking distilled water.

    • Brandon Mitchell everyone has abs you don't need to work out to get them, it just depends on your body fat

    • Ok but water had nothing to do with it. Like I said in another post drinking too much can give you hyponatremia and kill you, so you should only drink when thirsty. Now if you work out regularly obviously you'd work up a thirst more than others, but still there is no set limit anyone should drink

    • Yes some will never get them unfortunately. Just not that body type. I was 200lbs before. 20% fat maybe more.

    • The TDS in bottle water is about 10-25 for reverse osmosis. Distilled is 0. Tap in Florida is 120. It's just rocks, dirt, pesticides, petroleum products etc. Oh and fluoride! This clogs up your system. Pure water will detox you from it.

    • I love how he says drinking water had an amazing effect on him and here come the nay sayers to try and contradict him like they know his body better than him if its working for u then keep doing it Jerry Lee and yes abs are obtained from a good diet more so than exercise so clearly some people need to research more before giving unrequested advice

    • Listen I just want to share my story. I can go further into detail about my heightened awareness and spiritual awakening. Health has so many benefits and it starts with a lot of clean water.

    • Distilled water won't hurt you, it's just slightly acidic. As long as you're getting enough iron and brush your teeth regularly you shouldn't develop any symptoms from it. However doctors recommend about 8 glasses of water a day, or 64oz. That's actually only a half gallon! Anymore is just flushing your system, and if you're trying to detox that's fine, but otherwise isn't entirely necessary

    • Aren't the guidelines for water half your body weight in ounces a day? I couldn't open the article but I heard too much water can have a negative effect on your body flooding the organs. Is that true?

    • I have a sciatic nerve issue as well though, is it the water that helps most? Do you stretch or anything? I drink about a half a gallon a day, sometimes a little more, but not distilled or anything. What have you tried?

    • I got an inversion table and started yoga btw
      I will be 35 at end of this month. That photo is from 3 weeks ago. Please look up the correct stretches as the wrong one will make it worse!!

    • I find that i get flushed out? of signal substances? minerals , vitamins? (Fel a bit dizzy, lightheaded.) if i drink way to much on the day before training Taekwondo. How much would one recommend drinking a day? I weight about 72Kg

    • That's not entirely accurate. It's drink half your weight in ounces. So a 200 pound person requires 100 ounces of water... also one must consider drinking anything dehydrating... like coffee or alcohol, more water is needed.

    • My problem with just drinking when thirty is by then you are already dehydrated. Tobias check out spirulina/chlorella by Thors Hammer. I take 10-25 grams a day. 70% amino acids and full of minerals and nutrients

    • If you sweat more then you need more water and more nutrients/minerals. It's hot in Florida and some days I need more than others. You are the gauge!!

    • I recommend pink salt. A must if you are going to drown your body in water. You need salt or you will have a heart attack. If you drink a gallon of water in an hour you could actually die. Be careful. Two liters of water is more than enough

    • I'm a Collegiate trained Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist for Athletic Performance, and it is REDONKULOUS how misinformed SOME of you are about WHAT it takes to Look healthy and BE healthy. Reverse Osmosis is a purification process. Distilling is boiling, evaporating, then condensing the product water without ANY minerals etc... though BOTH are clean water, the distilled is slightly acidic due to the excitement of the electrons during the boiling that released some Hydrogen. Water IS LIFE! But ALKALINE is LIVING PURE! No disease or infirmity can flourish in an Alkaline environment. Kudos on the Spiru/Chlorel supplements cuz those work wonders. I take a 50 Organic SUPERFOODS as a Greens base in my smoothies, shakes, or just with water. Reduce SUGAR intake and cut pastry & processed grains to next to none. You can ONLY gain mass if you have ample EXTRA CALORIES and 1 Lb of lean muscle requires an extra 3200-3600 calories to create. If your metabolism is active, then by cutting calories below baseline, you'll be in a Calorie Deficit and slim out a bit, exposing those hidden abs. Seeing them ISN'T the big deal though. WORKING THEM and being CORE strong is the GOAL. Be Functionally Fit! Your body will LOVE YOUR for it. Carry on!!!

    • If you think about the fact that almost all vegetables and meats are grown with tap water or carbon filtered. Some higher end places will actually have a huge distilled for live stock. So distilled water that I drink is accompanied with tap water from groceries that are store bought, organic or not. I do enjoy a cookie or pizza every now and then. So if there is so many precious minerals and nutrients in water that I have removed...unless you grow all your own food your getting some tap water/spring water regardless. With so much crap in our food maybe having one thing pure (distilled water) has made the difference.

    • Belinda Tennyson please elaborate. That's amazing; how much are you drinking a day?

    • ty Alev-Kev Everyday, I was actually gonna say alkaline water is the way to go, and to research alkalinity, but you sir did me 1 better. I am definitely not as qualified to tell it ;p

    • Ozel Baeza, ty, sir, for the kind words. I will share everything I know, in hopes it helps someone achieve their dream.

    • What a VERY NICE detailed AND THROUGH reading material ON ALKALINITY and DISTILLED water. It sure FEELS GOOD to cap lock CERTAIN words around here.

    • Drinking distilled water is quite bad for you, it's acidic and does not contain minerals which are good for you. You are better drinking reverse osmosis filtered water.

    • Also people talking about pink salt and alkalinity have all succumb to mainstream health bull

    • Hey, shit bags, mainstream doesn't push Himalayan salt, nor do they allow for our ACIDIC diet to be blamed for all the health ails it causes. I'm far from MAINSTREAM. I did my Due Diligence. Go do yours and shut up until you do. BTW the CAPS are for EMPHASIS, as if I were SPEAKING to you, since there isn't any inflection through text.
      IGNORANCE isn't sexy, gentlemen. (using the word very loosely with you clowns, i know)

    • If ya say percent of available Hydrogen they go blank... I know Ar Gee Lew, its terrible.

    • Belinda Tennyson plastic water bottles is a known endocrine disrupter. ( ie screws up your hormones) maybe get a system that attaches to your facet

    • Hollie Morton you want your body to be alkaline. Acidity is where cancer and other health problems thrive. An all alkaline diet is the dream.

    • Drinking distilled water can cause damage to your body. You don't have to take my word for it, ask your doctor or Google it.

    • Christina Bohannon, FALSE! You're dumb as fuck to hop on a thread with your IGNORANT OPINION. It's NOT based in fact. Smarten up.

    • This all started because of the word "distilled" Iol so I should add 10 to 20 total dissolved solids to my pure aka distilled water to achieve reverse osmosis quality? The water we wash cars with at my shop is about 250TDS so that's about 3x of tap water or 10x of Reverse Osomsis water (which btw wastes water like crazy). Then think about the fact that that last 10-20 TDS is the hardest and most toxic chemicals. Don't believe me look up target purified water test results.
      So If you drink of eat food made with tap you will get these so called precious minerals and nutrients lol. I don't get how people are so stubord and can't imagine getting it from food?!?

    • Sooo is distilled water good or bad for you....?? Didn't get any clarification from this thread haha

    • humans and all other animals are made through evolution to drink the "bad" water not the distilled one by drinking the distilled water in time we willreduce our body's defence , and abuse is bad even in water, obly give your body what it requires from you, it's a really smart gadget...

Published by
Egline J., B.A.