{"id":18574,"date":"2016-06-26T12:56:06","date_gmt":"2016-06-26T09:56:06","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.lifeadvancer.com\/?p=18574"},"modified":"2016-06-26T12:56:06","modified_gmt":"2016-06-26T09:56:06","slug":"what-your-feet-say-about-your-health","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.lifeadvancer.com\/what-your-feet-say-about-your-health\/","title":{"rendered":"What Your Feet Say about Your Health: 10 Warning Things to Pay Attention to"},"content":{"rendered":"

Knowing and understanding what your feet say about your health can really help you to learn more about your body.<\/h2>\n

Whether you are experiencing pain in your feet<\/a> or have simply noticed something unusual about their appearance, there might be another reason why.<\/p>\n

Your feet are so inextricably linked to your body and any symptoms that you might be feeling could be a sign of another health condition or issue.<\/p>\n

Here’s our guide on what your feet say about your health:<\/h4>\n

1. Sunken-in toenails<\/h3>\n

Sunken-in toenails<\/a> could mean that you are anemic, or low in iron. People are usually diagnosed with anemia when they do not have enough hemoglobin, the way in which oxygen is carried in your blood. If you have noticed your toenails then be sure to get your blood tested.<\/p>\n

2. Hairless feet<\/h3>\n

If you have little hair or no hair at all on your feet then it could be an indication that you have bad circulation (also a symptom of a\u00a0vascular disease<\/em>).<\/p>\n

3. Long-term sore<\/h3>\n

If you have a sore on your foot that won’t heal, or has taken a long time to heal, then make sure you see your doctor ASAP<\/strong>. This could be a sign of an excessive amount of glucose, and possibly diabetes<\/a>.<\/p>\n

4. Cold feet<\/h3>\n

Lots of people suffer from cold feet, but if you feel like your feet are always cold then it could be a bigger issue. More common in women than in men, cold feet<\/a> can be a sign of a thyroid issue.<\/strong> Book an appointment to see your doctor and in the meantime try wearing some warm socks.<\/p>\n

5. Thick, yellow toenails<\/h3>\n

More of a visual issue than a painful problem, yellow toenails can go a lot deeper and could be a sign that you have fungus growing underneath them. If you have noticed this issue then head to your doctor for an assessment.<\/p>\n

6. Sore foot joints<\/h3>\n

If the joints in your toes feel sore then this could be the start of rheumatoid arthritis. This difficult disease can lead to deformity so make sure you see your doctor if you think you have the symptoms.<\/p>\n

7. Flakey feet<\/h3>\n

Dry feet is often an issue for most people, but if you find it between your toes then it could be a case of athlete’s foot<\/a>. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection often caused by wet locker rooms and poolsides.<\/p>\n

8. Digital Clubbing<\/h3>\n

If your toes have started to lose their normal shape and have started to bend upwards at the tips, this could be a sign of lung disease. Make sure you see a doctor to have it checked out.<\/p>\n

9. Heel pain<\/h3>\n

Sharp pains in your heel, which often occur when you stand up, can be a sign that you have plantar fasciitis<\/a>. Do not ignore these symptoms as it only gets worse without treatment.<\/strong><\/p>\n

10. Numbness<\/h3>\n

This could be a very dangerous sign of diabetes if it appears in both feet. If only one of your feet is numb then it might be a pinched nerve in your foot or back. If you do experience numbness be sure to visit your doctor.<\/p>\n

When your body is talking, you need to listen. Now that you know what your feet say about your health, make sure to pay attention to the signs your feet give you.<\/p>\n
