{"id":14566,"date":"2015-12-30T18:54:29","date_gmt":"2015-12-30T16:54:29","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.lifeadvancer.com\/?p=14566"},"modified":"2015-12-30T18:54:29","modified_gmt":"2015-12-30T16:54:29","slug":"vagus-nerve-migraines-inflammation-depression","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.lifeadvancer.com\/vagus-nerve-migraines-inflammation-depression\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Naturally Stimulate Vagus Nerve to Stop Migraines, Inflammation and Depression!"},"content":{"rendered":"

You may have already heard of the vagus nerve in one of your school biology lessons.<\/h2>\n

It’s the longest nerve in your body and is found right behind where you feel for your pulse.<\/p>\n

One of 12 cranial nerves, this super nerve starts in the brainstem and runs all the way to your abdomen, cutting through your heart, esophagus and your lungs.<\/p>\n

Known as \u201ccranial nerve X\u201d, the nerve is part of your involuntary nervous system, the system that directs your unconscious body activity, such as keeping your heart rate stable and ensuring you digest food properly<\/a>. It tells the body to heal itself,<\/em> essentially.<\/p>\n

The nerve moves around your body (like a vagabone, hence the name<\/em>) sending out tiny fibres to your organs, such as your heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines. The vagus nerve is essentially controlling your parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for stimulating your \u201crest and digest\u201d<\/strong> activities.<\/p>\n

But the most interesting thing about the vagus nerve is the new research that has revealed its link with treating chronic inflammation<\/a>, which can lead to high blood pressure, digestive issues, and migraines. Known as the missing link, the nerve may be able to treat these issues without medication! Here’s how:<\/p>\n

Vagal Tone<\/h4>\n

Vagal tone is the control the vagus nerve has over your heart rate. Recent studies have revealed that vagal tone is important in order to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. By tracking your heart rate in addition to your breathing rate your vagal tone can be measured in a person.<\/strong><\/p>\n

When you breathe in your heart usually speeds up slightly, and when you breathe out your heart rate slows down a little. To determine your vagal tone, you need to establish the difference between your inhalation heart rate and your exhalation heart rate. The bigger the difference, the higher your vagal tone will be.<\/p>\n

High or low?<\/h4>\n

Having a higher vagal tone is a good thing. It means you are more likely to be able to relax your body after suffering from stress more quickly, and your internal systems probably function better, such as:<\/p>\n