Water is the essence of life. Some would call it an elixir of life. More than 65% of our body consists of water.
Water is a necessary component of all human tissues and crucial for all brain functions and biochemical processes.
Every day we are drinking tap water and cooking with it. Is that water safe or is harmful?
Many people have noticed that tap water has sometimes unpleasant taste or even that it contains some particles which may be dirt, sand or salts. This makes the water in our glasses to appear blurry.
This pollution does make our tap water unsafe. However, they are not the most dangerous for our health. The truly dangerous substances are those that are not visible.
Chlorine, Asbestos, Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead
Chlorine is used officially as a water purification agent. We would characterize it as a “necessary evil”. If we did not use chlorine, we would be at risk of many life-threatening diseases. The chlorine, combined with other organic substances contained in the water forms chloride derivatives.
These are highly dangerous substances that can cause carcinogenesis mainly in the bladder, liver, and kidneys. Other hazardous substances are granules of asbestos which are so small that it is impossible to grasp them through the central filtering system.
For this reason, it is necessary to have an advanced water filter. Furthermore, arsenic, cadmium, and lead are very likely to be contained in tap water. They come from fertilizers, pesticides, animal or human waste, burning oil products, piping, etc…
Parasites, Bacteria, and Viruses
If the water supply system is aged or if the pipes in our house are old, it is very likely that these microorganisms will develop. Particular attention needs to be paid to vulnerable groups, such as people with problems of the immune system, infants, small children, pregnant women, and elderly people.
This leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to use a very good water filter in every home.
Tap water or bottled water?
The tap water may be contaminated by various chemical, physical and microbial contamination outbreaks. Some contaminants can be controlled more easily in the bottled water than in the tap water which is drained to the tubes of the dispensing systems.
However, some substances can be more dangerous in bottled water than in tap water. The bottled water is stored for fairly long periods in bottles at different temperatures. The water is bottled in plastic or glass bottles.
However, plastic bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate are quite a bad solution. For the polyethylene terephthalate production, 90% of producers are using the catalyst antimony trioxide, which is considered to be a possible carcinogenic element by the World Health Organization.
Certainly, there are doubts about the quality and safety of tap water. All the above-mentioned factors can scare us and make us not want to drink tap water ever again. But we humans always come up with a solution to a better and healthier life.
Using qualitative filter water, tap water can be made safe and healthier than any other water.
The filters showed the results in which they removed more contaminants than any other method. They seem to work properly in conjunction with the already treated water of large cities and communities with questionable water supply systems.
In most of the studies, it is indicated that there is no better choice than pure and affordable tap water that has gone through a home filtration system.