Butt Exercises That Work Better Than Squat

5 Best Butt Exercises That Work Better Than Squat

The squat is a common term especially where exercising your gluteus is concerned. However, the exercise can start getting a bit boring for many after just after a few minutes of squatting. It is close to impossible to hold a tight tush with squat only. The truth is that performing a combination of physical exercises can easily kick squats exercises right out of…

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Body Mass Index Can Help You Lose Weight

How Calculating Your Body Mass Index Can Help You Lose Weight

Body Mass Index is a value derived from the height and mass of a person. It is also a measure of body fat calculated from both the weight and height of adult males and females. People from different sections of the world use this technique to estimate the total body fat contained within their bodies. Using BMI Using this effective method of body…

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Teas for Weight Loss and a Healthy You

6 Teas for Weight Loss and Amazing Health Benefits

Tea is known to have plenty of health benefits. Among others, some types of teas can also help you with your weight loss effort. Stress can lead to inflammation, which ultimately causes weight gain or hinders weight loss. Inflammation is associated with obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Tea can help relieve stress, which is one of the major reasons why people…

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This Incredible Root Can Relieve Body Pain

Licorice Root Can Relieve Body Pain, Heartburn and More

In case you didn't know, that delicious sweet stick people often chew on, also known as licorice, is actually a root. The sweet-tasting root from the Glycyrrhiza Glabra (native to India and Asia, and sometimes found growing wild in Europe), can help to clean your teeth and relieve any sugar cravings (as it is 50 times sweeter than sugar), but it can also…

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Include Mangoes In Your Diet

8 Tempting Reasons to Include Mangoes in Your Diet

The rich, succulent mangoes are rightly hailed as the King of the Fruits. The densely packed nutrients including carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fibers do just good for your health, skin, and even hair. Along with being an innate anti-aging fruit, mango is also known to possess anti-cancerous properties. Let us take a look at some of the interesting properties of this fruit that…

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Why You Should Eat Dates

10 Interesting Reasons Why You Should Eat Dates

The lush, dark brown dates are tempting delights. These dry fruits from the Middle Eastern nations are treasure troves of energy. They also contain a wide array of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals such as iron and fluorine, as well as protein. From weight loss and weight gain to constipation, from skincare to stroke, it offers a panacea of benefits to mankind. Here are…

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Amazing Ways to Use Aloe Vera

How to Use Aloe Vera in These 8 Surprising Yet Amazing Ways

Many of us have that vivid idea that aloe vera is medicinal or useful in some way, but little do we know about ways to use the plant for fighting lots of diseases and conditions. It’s time we opened up our minds as we take a peek at some of the uses that could be accrued from aloe vera: 1. Food Preservation We…

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4 Popular Diet and Exercise Fads

4 Popular Diet and Exercise Fads Debunked

No matter what day and age you grew up in, there are some diet and exercise fads that just never seem to go away. We have all seen our fair share of them, and what have we learned? Fads are not going to give you the results you want! Instead, you need a consistent routine that will contribute to the overall big picture.…

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