Emotional Cheating

Emotional Cheating: How You Could Be Doing It without Knowing

Emotional cheating is more common in today’s world than you might realize. Moreover, you could be doing it yourself without even being aware of it. Most people would agree that cheating is wrong and if you are kissing or in bed with someone that isn't your partner, you know what you are doing. You may not have realized though, that it is possible…

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a Platonic Friendship

What Is a Platonic Friendship and 6 Reasons Why It’s a Great Experience

There are many different kinds of love in the world, so what do we mean when we talk about platonic love or platonic friendship? When we talk about platonic love, we usually mean love between two people that are close but are not romantic. We experience this love all the time with friends and it creates a potentially intense closeness between the two.…

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Relationship Rules

10 Golden Relationship Rules Revealed by Marriage Therapists

Falling in love is wonderful, but getting married is a completely different level in relationships. That’s why it’s so important to understand relationship rules offered by marriage counselors. When you’re young, falling in love seems easy. You think that just because you’re attracted to someone and love to spend time together, that this is enough to make a lifelong commitment. Well, think again.…

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What Causes Insecurity In A Relationship

Insecurity in a Relationship: Causes, Signs & Ways to Overcome It

Do you worry when your partner leaves your sight? Insecurity in a relationship can cause many issues, so you need to know what causes it and how to recognize & deal with it. An insecure partner can grate on you. But how would you know if you have insecurities? And how can you manage them? Here’s a guide to understanding insecurities in relationships, their causes and…

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Good Friends

7 Qualities of Good Friends You Should Seek In Those around You

In this article, we will help you understand some of the qualities of good friends you should be looking for in people around you. This way, you will be sure that you are surrounded by true and good friends. "You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends" is a phrase I'm sure we are all familiar with. And it ultimately…

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Trust in a Relationship 2

5 Reasons Trust in a Relationship Is Important

Trust in a relationship is an essential part of any partnership. But if I asked you what was most important in a relationship you would say, love. Of course, love is important. Loving someone makes us feel connected and valued, so where does trust come into it? According to the Relationships Surveys Indicators 2011, lack of trust is one of the top four…

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Healthy Relationships

All Healthy Relationships Have These 9 Traits. Are You in One?

If you’re in a healthy relationship, you will know by the characteristics displayed. There are certain traits that define your partnership. In case you didn’t know, perfect relationships do not exist. However, healthy relationships do, and with the right balance, you can have a healthy relationship. Yes, it’s possible to cultivate a great union with your mate. Now pay attention, because a relationship…

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Signs Overthinking Relationships

6 Signs You Are Overthinking Relationships Too Much (and How to Stop)

Too much analyzing can be damaging to both your relationship and your mental health. Are you overthinking relationships too much? I have a friend who analyses everything, from conversations, text messages to looks she receives, it’s absolutely exhausting. I understand that as human beings it was extremely important to our survival that we quickly analyzed situations, but let’s face it, this is the…

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