How to Reduce Premature Aging

How to Reduce Premature Aging: 6 Things You Should Pay Attention to

We all age and no matter how much you spend on cosmetic surgery, premature aging is a reality and your appearance will change as you get older. Our face is how we face the world, it’s probably the first thing we notice in a person and we make judgments about a person’s age and lifestyle based on their facial appearance. Premature aging can…

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Sun Protection Tips

10 Sun Protection Tips to Stay Safe during Your Summer Vacation

If you want to enjoy sunlight safely this summer, there are some basic sun protection tips you need to know. If you’ve just booked a summer vacation somewhere hot this year, chances are you’ve gone with the expectation of enjoying the sun – not for it to ruin your trip! Ignoring sun protection guidelines and being too exposed to the sun’s rays can…

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Going Outdoors

Going Outdoors and Its Mental Health Benefits – Infographic

Did you know that going outdoors and spending just 15 minutes in the sun every day can have incredible benefits on a person’s mood and mental health? Those of us seeking to improve our mental wellbeing know the importance of exercise in that process. Less well known are the benefits of going outdoors and spending time outside in the sun. In this article,…

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Slow Down Aging Process

9 Ways to Slow Down the Aging Process

If reversing aging belongs to the realm of fantasy, it is possible to slow down the aging process. Here is how. One time, Salma Hayek shared her thoughts about Botox. “Botox, trust me I've been tempted — but I resist!..It all atrophies! Plus, if you freeze a muscle in your face, other muscles have to compensate!” Head-On Solutions to Aging Everyone, women and…

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Acne Skin Care Summer

What You Need to Know about Acne Skin Care in the Summer

Many people think that you can stop your acne skin care if you are spending much time outdoors in the summer. Is it true? Your skin is the largest of your body’s organs. It is comprised of three main layers: epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous tissue. You lose between 30,000 and 40,000 skin cells almost every minute, without even noticing. Skin is vital…

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How to Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally

How to Increase Your Serotonin Levels Naturally to Stop Feeling Sad, Depressed and Bad-Tempered

It is possible to increase your serotonin levels naturally – here is how! Serotonin is an important brain chemical that helps to improve mood and stops feelings of depression and anxiety. That's why when we have low serotonin levels, our emotional state may suffer. This is a molecule of willpower and its deficiency can lead to the inability to create and take actions…

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natural homemade sunscreen recipe

How to Make Homemade Sunscreen Using Natural Ingredients Only

Why not try making your own homemade sunscreen this summer? We have a natural and easy recipe for you! Everyone knows how much vitamin D is vital to our bodies. Well, this is the vitamin that is responsible for building your immune system, strong bones, hormone system and teeth. In other words, never run away from the sun! That said, too much exposure…

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Things Your Eyes Are Trying to Tell You

15 Alarming Things Your Eyes Are Trying to Tell You about Your Health

Your eyes are the windows to your soul and your health too. Their shape and color can reveal if you have life-altering conditions. There are many ways you can keep them in a good form. If your eyes start to look out of the ordinary, it is a sign that you need medical attention. Watch out for these red flags. 1. Bug Eyes…

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