Signs of Low Self-Esteem

5 Signs of Low Self-Esteem and What You Can Do to Fix It

There is often a day where you can feel a little low, a little disappointed in yourself or have a feeling that you aren’t good enough. Sometimes it's hormonal, but for a lot of people, this common feeling of inadequacy is a sign of having low self-esteem. The feeling that you don’t deserve happiness and you should stay feeling low and unhappy are…

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life skills school

9 Life Skills You Don’t Learn in School (and You Probably Should)

They say that you learn the most important life skills outside of the classroom. School can be great for learning maths and English, but children need much more than that to become happy and successful adults. These life skills are crucial for every individual, and it’s a great idea to teach them from an early age. 1. How to be independent. Learning to…

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Challenges Only Female Entrepreneurs Can Relate to

8 Challenges Only Female Entrepreneurs Can Relate to (and How to Beat Them)

Women are starting new businesses in record numbers, and they are facing unique challenges caused by social expectations placed upon women. Here are eight challenges unique to female entrepreneurs, and how to handle them. 1. Fewer Role Models Role models are critical for personal and professional development. Entrepreneurs look to those that have gone before them for guidance on how to build a…

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Ways Kick Start New Career

5 Ways to Kick Start Your New Career

Pursuing a fresh new career is an exciting endeavor with unlimited potential for professional success and personal satisfaction. You can finally put yourself on the path to that dream job and land a coveted position where you look forward to heading to work each day. Put yourself on the fast track to success with these smart tactics for kick-starting your new beginning. 1.…

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Key to Prosperity

The Key to Prosperity: The Secret You Need to Know

If talent, hard work, education, and drive were the only traits you needed to achieve prosperity, wouldn’t you be wealthy already? Wouldn’t more people enjoy lives of happiness and luxury? Clearly, there is something else that leads to prosperity, and this thing is a willingness to take risks that are based on a firm belief in one’s talents and ideas. Your Willingness to…

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Give Yourself a Motivation Makeover

5 Foolproof Ways to Give Yourself a Motivation Makeover

People from all around the world admire the success of those who we consider accomplished people. And indeed, the reason why we admire them is known– it’s because to accomplish what they’ve done, they had to put in a lot of effort, which we consider ourselves unable to do. But as a matter of fact, if a man has a dream and is…

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Surprising Effects of Masterminding

7 Surprising Effects of Masterminding That Can Change Your Life

One of the most frustrating situations, regardless of the kind of work you do, is when you put in the effort and then get nothing in return as a result. Perhaps, the reason why you’re not successful or why you are stagnating is because you are working alone. The days when a single person could change the world are long gone. Today, it…

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Do What You Love

Do What You Love for a Living: This Is the Key to Success

Every person has to work to make a living. However, the point is to do what you love, if you want to be truly successful. From having stressful jobs to having a profession that you do not really like or enjoy, sometimes many of us want to just quit our jobs and to do what we love to do. But considering the practicality…

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