Auroville Utopian Community India No Money Politics Religion

Auroville: An Utopian Community in India That Has No Money, Politics or Religion

Many probably won't have heard of Auroville in Pondicherry, India, but it currently houses over 10,000 people from all over the world. It is the world’s largest spiritual utopia. Auroville means “the City of Dawn”. The promise of a money-free existence, surrounded by people who believe in the energy, who wouldn’t want to live there. It was founded in 1968 by a French…

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Help Others Because You Never Know

Help Others Because You Never Know When You’ll Need Help: A Heartwarming Story

Apparently, the world still has people with good hearts who are willing to help others. So the other day I was reading a story about a man who gave all the money he had to a woman and her child to use as transport to get back their shelter. This was so touching that it actually awakened the memories of many Biblical stories…

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life goals

7 Signs You’re Achieving Someone Else’s Life Goals

People can look at ways they are achieving some else’s life goals. For certain periods in a person’s life and career, they can feel that they are achieving other people’s goals more so than their own. They can discover that what they are accomplishing is not producing the feelings they expected. They can seek ways to uncover how to focus on achieving their…

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World's largest cities - Dubai

10 Images That Show How the World’s Largest Cities Changed in the Past Hundred Years

The world's largest cities have changed a lot in the last century and these photos show how much the progress altered them. In the 20th century, it was the worst of times and it was the best of times. Two great world wars that happened in the first half of the century threatened to end the civilization, but somehow they didn't. Instead, they…

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You Can Make a Difference in the World

5 Scientific Reasons Why You Can Make a Difference in the World

You probably think that you can't make a difference in the world... You may not realize it – but you truly matter to the world around you. Every human being has an effect on another human being, and the cycle continues. Take this story for example: A man sparks up a conversation with a fellow student about her day – just asking her…

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Hobbies and Habits Make You Smarter

5 Hobbies and Habits That Will Make You Smarter

Do you want to be smarter? Then begin to adopt these hobbies and habits! Smarts don't grow on trees and to get a bit of extra oomph when it comes to your cognitive abilities, it is important to work on them on an everyday basis. Now, I’m not saying that you can drastically increase your level of intelligence even if you work on…

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the 8th Harry Potter Book

Why the World Needs the 8th Harry Potter Book: Thank You, J.K. Rowling

Now that we know the 8th Harry Potter book is to be released on July 31, we can look forward to the magic returning. Every century has certain things that stand out – in politics, in world events, in technology, in cultural changes, in music, art, and in literature. These things become the “legacies” of those centuries. A huge legacy of the 20th…

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Challenges Pregnant Women Face Every Day

Hilarious Illustrations Show Challenges a Pregnant Woman Faces Every Day

Being pregnant is difficult and challenging for any woman who has ever gone through it. In fact, women, especially those that are having their first pregnancy, go through a lot emotionally and physically, which is not pleasant to them but the good thing is that it is pretty much normal. Of course, some of these difficulties are caused by other people or by…

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