Achy Feet

Run Achy Feet? Try This

Aching Feet? One of the runners I coach had been experiencing foot soreness following long runs. If you’re an avid runner, walker, or other athletes who spend a lot of time on their feet, you have probably experienced sore, tired, achy feet, and know it’s not fun. Our feet are complicated – a human foot is made up of 26 bones, 33 joints,…

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Common Sense Tips

6 Common Sense Tips to Immediately Improve Your Life

Common sense tells us to dream for the future while living frugally in the present moment. Are we doing this? I often get lost in my thoughts, somewhere between fantasy and reality. Common sense says I should utilize my time wisely, maybe organize things or make plans, but it seems I get stalled out in limbo, hoping, dreaming and wishing. It’s truly frustrating…

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10 Simple Ways To Relax Every Day

10 Simple Ways To Relax Every Day

The pace of our culture is increasing at an astonishing rate. While this speed certainly has its benefits and conveniences for our outer lives, they come at a great cost to our inner world. For as all of the wisdom traditions teach, well-being can only be cultivated when you take time every day to slow down and turn inward. So as fabulous as…

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