Ocean Cleanup Array

19-Year-Old Develops Ocean Cleanup Array To Remove Tons Of Plastic

19-year-old Boyan Slat has unveiled plans to create an Ocean Cleanup Array that could remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans. The device consists of an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms that could be dispatched to garbage patches around the world. Instead of moving through the ocean, the array would span the radius of a garbage patch, acting as a giant…

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Live an Awesome Earth Friendly Lifestyle

14 Ways to Live an Awesome Earth Friendly Lifestyle!

This simple guide is written to help you lead a life that is good for you, your community, and the earth. Most of these tips will cost you nothing to implement and many of them will save you money. They will help you to increase your health and happiness and that of the people, animals, and the environment that you interact with. But…

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