Uses for Used Dryer Sheets

3 Amazing Uses for Used Dryer Sheets

If you’re one of the many people consistently looking for ways to save money and recycle items right in your home, those used dryer sheets can come in handy. They are small enough to not take up much space, yet large enough to tackle any cleaning job. Check out these three amazing uses for used dryer sheets throughout your home. Clean Around Your…

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Bordalo II - Amazing Street Art Murals From Trash

This Incredible Artist Creates Amazing Street Art Murals From Trash

Bordalo II is a promising artist trying to change the world through street art. His works are a way of condemning the “throwaway culture” that dominates the world we live in and transmitting the message of recycling. What a mission, and what an amazing way to achieve it! Bordalo II goes against the flow of overconsumption and rapid obsolescence. Animal suffering due to…

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Electronic Waste Where Does it All End Up

Electronic Waste: Where Does It All End Up? – Infographic

How much e-waste or e-scrap we are wasting every year? The answer is 20 to 50 million metric tons of electronic waste, and we only recycle 10% to 18% worldwide. Some of the most used electronics that are usually replaced are television, printers, portable devices like cellphones, USB, and music players. Although electronic waste is the fastest-growing portion of the municipal waste stream,…

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Tips to Reduce Food Waste in Your Home

How to Reduce Food Waste in Your Home and Why You Should Do It

Reducing food waste in your home is one of the best things you can do to minimize the effect you have on the environment. It will not only mean that overall less food needs to be produced. It also means reducing the carbon footprint of food manufacturing as well as reducing other negative environmental side-effects of food production. When you reduce food waste,…

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How Would Our Life Be Without Paper?

From the moment you wake up in the morning, the paper is a part of your life. But what if one-morning paper didn’t exist? Interested in helping the environment? I read about this project that the 4/5 classroom created. The main idea is to conserve energy and help the environment. So, without using paper, I asked myself, well, if you switch to electronics…

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Gregory Kloehn Repurposes Trash Into Vibrant Houses for the Homeless

Gregory Kloehn Repurposes Trash Into Vibrant Houses for the Homeless

The necessity to shelter the homeless is a prevalent and widespread reality in many urban areas, including Oakland, California, the hometown of American artist Gregory Kloehn who is using his creative capacity as an action for change. As the founder of the ‘homeless homes project‘ — a community-driven initiative — Kloehn has realized a low-cost, practical, and imaginative solution for the construction of habitable…

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Look for Restaurants that are Certified for Recovering Waste

Looking for certified for recovering waste restaurants? A new certification program launched by the Food Recovery Network encourages people to think about where leftover food ends up. Many of us think about the source of our food – where and how it’s grown, and by whom – but much less thought is given to where it goes once we’ve eaten our fill. At…

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save water

Old Red Goes Green: Recycled Wall Brick Built to Save Water

It might look like your typical old red clay house-building brick on one side, but turn it over and there is a shift that hints at a deeper design change – one that is eco-friendly but also expressive in a way that most walls or brick are not. Designed by Jin-young Yoon to be made from recycled plastic and decomposed leaves, this brick…

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