Why men can’t handle intelligent women

Science Shows the Real Reason Why Men Can’t Handle Intelligent Women

New studies have shown that men feel threatened by intelligent women and can't handle them. You are a woman with an endless friends list, and your career has taken off. But something is missing from this otherwise idyllic picture; the right man. The elusive piece may drive you to ask three perennial questions: "Are guys turned off by intelligent women?", "If so, why?".…

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People who post gym selfies on social media are indeed narcissists

People Who Post Gym Selfies on Social Media Are Indeed Narcissists, Science Confirms

Are you posting gym selfies on social media? Guess what... Science says you are or tend to become a narcissist! Let’s be honest, each of us has at least one friend on the social media friends list who is constantly posting his or her daily routine in the gym. Or maybe that person is you? The descriptions under the photo “I lifted 100…

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Stop Justifying Yourself to Others

7 Reasons Why You Should Stop Justifying Yourself to Others and Just Do Your Thing

Are you used to justifying yourself? In this article, you will find some good reasons to stop doing it. What people think of me is none of my business! After all, I don’t think about them at all. Justifying yourself can simply be defined as explaining who you are, why you are who you are, why you believe what you believe, why you…

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Give Yourself a Motivation Makeover

5 Foolproof Ways to Give Yourself a Motivation Makeover

People from all around the world admire the success of those who we consider accomplished people. And indeed, the reason why we admire them is known– it’s because to accomplish what they’ve done, they had to put in a lot of effort, which we consider ourselves unable to do. But as a matter of fact, if a man has a dream and is…

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Amazing Psychological Benefits of Non-Sexual Touching

6 Amazing Psychological Effects of Non-Sexual Touching

When thinking of our five senses, the four most popular ones come to mind: sight, hearing, smell, and taste. But people don’t often realise how imperative touch can be to us, as humans, and how non-sexual touching at the correct time in the appropriate place can have a strong psychological effect. Here we present you 6 psychological effects of non-sexual touching: 1. Money…

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Colors Help you Manifest your Desires

How Colors Help you Manifest your Desires

Can you harness the power of color to manifest your desires? The psychology behind color continues to be explored by scientists. Color is believed to have a significant impact on our mood and emotions. Blue Research has shown that wearing blue to a job interview promotes confidence, friendlessness and loyalty. It is believed that women are subconsciously attracted to men wearing blue, as…

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Reduce Stress, Anxiety

Lessons from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT has long been a favorite of psychologists and therapists worldwide. If you went to see your family doctor because of problems with stress or anxiety it is highly likely that they would recommend a program of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Despite this, some of the simple techniques from CBT that you can make use of for yourself are not…

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