Toxic Behaviors Social Media Users

6 Toxic Behaviors Social Media Users Adopt Without Even Noticing

Some people are notorious for poor online conduct. The sweet-tempered secretary who greets you at the office may have a nasty online persona. She is among the social media users who behave one way online, and quite another off. Why the 'split personality'? What are the effects of errant conduct on Facebook and Twitter? Why do people misbehave on social media? Psychologists attribute…

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Child of Overprotective Parents

10 Things Only a Child of Overprotective Parents Will Understand

If you are the child of overprotective parents, you know that it can be really complicated to do things that your friends take for granted. You can’t just casually tell your parents what you’re going to do as you’re walking out the door! If these ten things sound familiar to you, you are undoubtedly a child of overprotective parents. 1. It’s just easier…

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Post Your Relationship Status Private Life Social Media

Why You Shouldn’t Post Your Relationship Status & Other Details of Your Private Life on Social Media

Are you posting your relationship status on social media? I can’t seem to scroll through my newsfeed without seeing a post about how much Sarah* loves her boyfriend, or that Laura* and Joe* are celebrating three and a half months together. Honestly, it gets annoying, and it can actually be damaging to your relationship. The second that you put aspects of your relationship…

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