Alternative Energy Sources

How Alternative Energy Sources Save Money & the Environment

Did you know that one of the best ways to combat the rising cost of living is to switch to alternative energy sources? None of us are strangers to the ever-increasing cost of living in this day and age. Money seems to fly out of pockets faster than in flies in, and all of us would love to be able to cut down…

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Superpowers All Women Have

10 Superpowers All Women Have, According to Science

You may be surprised if you learn what superpowers all women have. Women are misunderstood; the saying, “men are from Venue and women are from Mars” rings true but in a good way. All women possess countless abilities and superpowers, that only now do we understand fully. 10. Women can spot cheaters immediately Women can spot a cheating man just by looking at…

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The Healing Power of Animals

The Healing Power of Animals

Anyone with a pet would agree that animals have healing powers. They fill your home with love, they bring families together and studies have also shown that they can improve your health. As Florence Nightingale stated back in the 1860’s- “a small pet is often an excellent companion for the sick, for long chronic diseases especially.” Today, we still know this to be…

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Renewable Energy Finally Makes Sense

Renewable Energy Finally Makes Sense… And That’s Why It’s A Threat

Renewable Energies: For some time now, we’ve had the technology to comfortably make the transition away from fossil fuel based energy. Unfortunately, it was not convenient economically. Solar panels and wind turbines were quite expensive and offered very few incentives to those brave enough to invest in this emerging market. Fortunately, thanks to renewable energy programs, who offer loan guarantees, a rising threat to the established…

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simple exercise personal power

Do This One Simple Exercise to Unlock Your Personal Power

There is one simple exercise you need to be doing that will improve your life more than you could have ever imagined. Calm an over-active mind, unlock your subconscious, find answers to your problems and develop your intuitive abilities by completing this well-known and, at the same time, simple exercise on a daily basis. Free writing, automatic writing, morning pages – are a…

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take your power back

How To Take Your Power Back In 3 Simple Steps

The moment we look outside of ourselves for the answer, or love, or safety, we give our power away to whatever it is we're reaching for, and we disconnect from the truth that we have all we need inside of us. This means that when we go within, we find the love and all of our answers; it's from this internal space of…

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Why Forgiveness Is Power

Why Forgiveness Is Power

Do you consider yourself to be a forgiving or resentful person? If somebody has hurt you in the past or did something to make you suffer, would you hold on to those past events, thoughts, and feelings, or would you just let them go? “To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.”…

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