Extinct Species That Once Roamed the Earth

10 Remarkable Extinct Species That Once Roamed the Earth

The Earth teems with millions of creatures. There were many more before, but evolution has rendered them extinct. Many remarkable animals have vanished without a trace. There are many reasons for entire species disappearing other than poaching. We introduce you to a few extinct species that you may not have heard of before. What Causes Animals to Disappear? The variety of flora and…

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How to Save Trees

How to Save Trees by Using Less Paper with These 11 Simple Actions

How can you save trees and help the planet? The first step is to start with yourself and make small changes in your daily routine. Millions of people fail to notice the necessity of saving trees. They use tons of paper on a daily basis without making any effort of knowing the adverse effects of such actions on our planet. These materials that…

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Plastic Alternatives

8 Plastic Alternatives That Could Save the Planet from Plastic Pollution

We use plastic for nearly everything in our lives. In fact, plastic has become so ubiquitous that it is hard to find reasonable plastic alternatives. From shopping bags, toothbrushes, storing food, product containers, you name it, plastic is involved in it. The problem is that the majority of this plastic is single-use. Which means it can’t be recycled. Instead, it’s thrown away or…

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Problem of Water Scarcity

Water Scarcity around the World and 6 Clever Inventions That Could Solve It

When you are used to an infinite supply of water it’s hard to imagine countries where water scarcity is a real problem. Many people enjoy the luxury of fresh water, but a whopping 2.8 billion people don’t have access for at least one month of the year. Not only this but 1.2 billion people don’t even have access to clean drinking water. Reasons…

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interesting facts about earth

9 Interesting Facts about Earth You Didn’t Learn in School

In school, you learn many interesting facts about earth. There are other intriguing facts, however, that you still may not know. I applaud the education system in some countries. In others, I will just keep my mouth shut. All jokes aside, it's amazing how schools have taught us so many interesting facts about earth, including facts about different species, scientific discoveries, and even…

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most endangered animals

12 Most Endangered Animals in the World That Are Almost Extinct

Did you know that the most endangered animals in the world are gradually facing extinction and may completely disappear in the few next years? Well, the list of the most endangered animals that are threatened by extinction features some animals that you could not even imagine. The sad bit is that most of these animals are mainly affected by the loss of their…

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Happiest Countries World Their Secret

Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World: What Is Their Secret?

Which are the happiest countries on Earth? You may be surprised by what really makes people who live in these countries feel happy. You might have read many theories about happiness and its definition. But basically, it can be broken down into two theories; Happy people accept the bad things that happen to them and believe that they will survive no matter what.…

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Things Happening in the World Right Now

4 Amazing Things Happening in the World Right Now (And You Probably Haven’t Even Noticed)

We're living in an extraordinary time. There are amazing things happening in the world and most of us haven't even realized it yet. Remember back in 2012 when we were all half-expecting the world to end, and then it didn’t? Interestingly enough, not all of the projections for 2012 were that the world would end per se. Rather that there would be amazing things…

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