Awaken Your Inner Child

How to Awaken Your Inner Child and Heal Your Emotional Life

Any contact with your inner child can help you to overcome your greatest fears, make the right decisions in life and become a better person in general. It goes without saying that each of us was a child once. It might surprise you, but this child did not disappear just because you grew up, it is still hidden deep inside of you. Often,…

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What It Actually Means to Be a Good Person

What It Actually Means to Be a Good Person: The Harsh Truth No One Wants to Accept

Do you think that it's important to be a good person? Like most people, you probably try your utmost to treat others right and be a good person. But you must have learned that doing so comes at a cost. Also, you would have discovered that life is often in, not black or white, but shades of gray. The task of doing right…

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Spot Fake Nice People Life

How to Spot Fake Nice People in Your Life – 5 Signs to Look for

Often, toxic persons fake themselves to seem like they are nice people. But they really aren't. Friendships are probably the most important relationships in our lives, especially if we have good solid friends. But sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a nice and a fake person. Use this guide to sift through who the truly nice people are and remove yourself…

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Attachment Styles How They Govern Your Relationships

4 Attachment Styles and How They Govern Your Relationships

Insecure attachment styles prevent a person from forming healthy emotional connections. What attachment style do you have? Do you try to start new relationships but come up blank? Is finding friends difficult for you? Do you have trouble relating to your business associates? Some people feel that health and well-being are the keys to happiness. Others believe that a person's joy stems from…

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Gaslighting How to Recognize Partner Manipulate You

What Is Gaslighting and How to Recognize If Your Partner Is Using It on You

Have you ever been in a relationship with a person who nearly drove you out of your mind? Did they have a way of making you feel guilty beyond belief, even though it was them who made missteps in the relationship? You may have been the unfortunate victim of gaslighting. If you have experienced similar scenarios in your current relationship, you should take…

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Toxic Mix Why Empaths and Narcissists Attracted

The Toxic Mix: Why Empaths and Narcissists Are Attracted To Each Other

Opposites attract, as the law of magnetism states. It is a true one and indeed, and applies in relationships. Diametrically different personalities attract each other like the opposite poles of a magnet. So it is with empaths and narcissists. Each personality type has distinct traits. While the former character is sensitive, astute and self-sacrificing, the latter is manipulative and egocentric. A relationship between…

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Finding True Love Ancient Personality Test Five Elements

How the Chinese Five Elements Can Help You Find True Love

Do you dream about finding true love? The Chinese five elements will help you out! The meeting of two characters is like the contact of two chemical substances; they transform if there is a reaction. – Carl Jung Many factors govern relationships. Two people may gel or part for many reasons. World-renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung who founded analytical psychology was spot on about the…

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Dog People Cat People

Dog People Have a Lot of Friends, Cat People Tend to Be Single, Facebook Study Reveals

There is a lot of stigma surrounding cat people and dog people, and it seems that people just can’t like both. There have been many psychology articles that detail the different ways in which dog people and cat people think, and their personality types. Mainly, dog people are more extroverted whereas cat people are more introverted. A recent Facebook study has found that…

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