types of face shapes

6 Types of Face Shapes and How to Choose the Right Eyeglasses for Yours

Different eyeglasses fit different types of face shapes. How to find your type to make sure you choose the best pair of glasses? Eyeglasses have evolved far from their rather basic and bulky design in decades past. Today, there are thousands of options for patients who need glasses for enhanced vision. You can find them in just about any shape, color, and size…

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Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Why It’s Important and How to Develop It

The importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace is often underrated. However, the truth is that this skill can significantly help you move your career forward. There's a lot that's going to determine your success at work. Firstly, you need to have the skills to carry out the job itself. As well as this though, you're going to need to have good emotional…

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How to Connect with People

How to Connect with People on a Deeper Level in Less Than 5 Minutes

Have you ever wondered what it might be like if you could connect with people much deeper and faster? What life would be like if you could get to know people in half the time? You could surround yourself with a large number of close friends, and connect with people on a different level. It’s actually incredibly easy. Simply play a game. The…

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Relationship Types

It Turns out, There Are Just 5 Relationship Types

Love comes in all shapes and sizes, but did you know that you can categorize most love stories into five relationship types? Have you ever thought about what type of relationship you are in? Of course, everybody has their own experiences with love, likely both good and bad. It’s a smart idea to recognize what relationship types you are involved in. Once you…

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Types of Cat Personality

5 Types of Cat Personality: Which One Is Your Cat?

We all know that our cats are special and have their own special traits. But what if I told you that there actually are different cat personality types? A recent study has been undertaken that has identified five major cat personality types that our beloved feline friends can be divided into. Dr. Finka of the University of Lincoln interviewed two hundred cat owners…

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What Makes Someone Attractive

Study Finds What Makes Someone Attractive (and It’s Not Good Looks)

Think you know what really makes people attractive to the opposite sex? If you had to guess, what traits would you suggest? Someone who is good-looking, with a nice physique and who is easy to get on with? Surprisingly, researchers found none of these common physical traits top of the list of what makes someone truly attractive. Instead, participants in two ground-breaking studies…

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Narcissistic Boss

Narcissistic Boss: The Signs and Ways to Deal with One

"You'd better get that done at once, or you'll have no job by the end of the week!" You may have heard the rants of a narcissistic boss before, perhaps more than once. A ballistic employer is not a welcome sight. If you're starting to feel uncomfortable when you're in front of your boss, you may want to know if he or she is…

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Small Things People Unwillingly Use Judge You

11 Small Things People Unwillingly Use to Judge You

People may judge you over small things, like how you drive. This phenomenon is what experts term the 'spotlight effect.' People do not typically pay attention to others, especially strangers, but they notice a heap when they do. It is usually over trivial matters, like whether you bite your nails. You may not think that trivialities amount to anything, but they have more…

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