Stop Justifying Yourself to Others

7 Reasons Why You Should Stop Justifying Yourself to Others and Just Do Your Thing

Are you used to justifying yourself? In this article, you will find some good reasons to stop doing it. What people think of me is none of my business! After all, I don’t think about them at all. Justifying yourself can simply be defined as explaining who you are, why you are who you are, why you believe what you believe, why you…

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Independent woman

Being an Independent Woman Comes with These 4 Struggles

Being an independent woman isn't always easy. Before we talk about being an independent woman, let me say a couple of words about myself. I’ve always thought that being single (either a single mom or just plain single, no husband, partner whatsoever) is a curse in our family. My mother, my sister, my closest aunt, and most of the women in the family…

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Benefits of Keeping a Journal

6 Benefits of Keeping a Journal for Your Personal Growth & Mental Health

Did you know that keeping a journal can help you improve your mental health and enhance your personal development? What if I told you that the most important book you will read in your life isn’t written yet? Well, at least it is not finished yet. This book is your personal journal and its writer is your inner soul that is craving to…

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Life Choices

9 Life Choices That Can Make Your Life as Bright as the Sun

Are you tired of making always wrong life choices? It's never too late. Your life is a result of the choices you made in the past. If you don’t like your present life, it’s the time to make some better choices to make your life better and brighter than ever. This post is dedicated to those who are tired of making wrong life…

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simple exercise personal power

Do This One Simple Exercise to Unlock Your Personal Power

There is one simple exercise you need to be doing that will improve your life more than you could have ever imagined. Calm an over-active mind, unlock your subconscious, find answers to your problems and develop your intuitive abilities by completing this well-known and, at the same time, simple exercise on a daily basis. Free writing, automatic writing, morning pages – are a…

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Improve More by Learning Less

3 Steps to Improve More by Learning Less

What a world we live in. The information age, as it’s being called, provides us with exactly that: information. For better or for worse, any question we have, any answer we require, or any ailment we’re trying to cure, is at our fingertips. I mentioned that all this information could be for worse, but how is that so? How can more data and…

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Use Your Intuition To Get What You REALLY Want

Whether you're wondering what direction to take with your career, hoping to find a life partner, or making a list for self-improvements, we all have goals in life we believe will help us find happiness. Our desires may be vastly different, but we can all achieve a more fulfilling life by using a tool we already have free, unlimited access to — our…

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Ways Successful People Remain Calm

7 Ways Successful People Remain Calm When Life Gets Out Of Control

Every now and again life doesn’t throw us a curve, it aims a quiver full of arrows. When this happens, we don’t know which way to turn or what to do to remain calm. Panic sets in. This is followed by a frantic activity or total immobility. But there are some people, who seem to navigate this onslaught of trials in a calm…

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