Ikigai A Japanese Concept That Will Change the Way You View Life

Ikigai: The Japanese Concept That Will Change Your View of Life

Ikigai, or “reason for being”, is a Japanese term which, like western beliefs relates to realizing your passion. How do you discover Ikigai? Unfortunately, for some people, it takes decades of their life to realize their reason for existence. Finding our purpose in life, helps us, not only enjoy our lives more but helps to benefit others now and when we are gone.…

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What we can learn from stone-age native people of papua new guinea

What We Can Learn from Stone-Age Native People of Papua New Guinea

The native people of Papua New Guinea have a lot of things to teach the Western world. Papua New Guinea is probably the most undeveloped and most traditional country in the world. Just seventy years ago, a gold digger who was exploring new opportunities discovered more than a million people who are living in the Stone Age. They did not have any alphabet, wheel,…

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People You Should Immediately Distance Yourself from

5 Types of People You Should Immediately Distance Yourself from

Perhaps you never noticed, but you may have some 'friends' that match certain types of people you should avoid. When it comes to sorting out your life, you might think that organizing your wardrobe and cleaning out your drawers would help – but have you ever thought about really considering your friendships? Some types of people can be a poisonous influence in your life…

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Losing the Fear of Others Opinions

4 Ways To Stop Caring What Other People Think

“Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.”- Bertrand Russell Last year, I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do in life. Although it wasn’t crystal clear, because I lacked confidence enough as it was and giving the people closest around me a reason to…

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