Great Grandparents Were Healthier

Why Your Great Grandparents Were Healthier Than You

The generation of our great grandparents had a more simple and healthy lifestyle. Lately, I keep thinking of my great-grandmother, and how many of family have some kind of diabetes – but she didn't. She was fit and able until the day she passed – And I wonder why. Why aren't the younger members of the family as healthy as she was? According…

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GMO Tomatoes Organic

How to Differentiate GMO Tomatoes from Organic Ones in These Two Simple Steps

The next time you will buy tomatoes from your grocery store, you should know the differences between GMO tomatoes and organic ones. Vegetables are important to your health and should be incorporated into every meal that you take. Well, there is nothing better than eating fresh vegetables, not just fresh but organic vegetables. Sadly, the market has various brands of vegetables i.e. organic…

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Grow Avocado Tree from Pit

How to Grow Avocado Tree from Pit for an Endless Supply of Organic Avocados

Would you like to grow an avocado tree from the pit and have your own delicious, organic avocados in your garden? How many times have you tried planting an avocado seed with no results at all? You might have been doing it the wrong way all this time. Don’t give up yet, keeping in mind the pack of benefits that avocados come with.…

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eye color raw diet
Eyes before and after raw food diet (Image courtesy of Kristina Fully Raw)

How Raw Food Diet Changed This Woman’s Eye Color

Do you think it may be possible for your eyes to change color by a raw food diet? The eyes are not only a window to your soul but a window to your internal health too. Quite a few claims have been made that some people experienced improved vision or that their eye color changed to blue or light gray due to their…

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Family Switched to Only Organic Foods

This Family Switched to Only Organic Foods for Just Two Weeks and Here Is What Happened

The body needs food, we all know that, but what kind of food is best? Conventional foods are what we’re used to eating, well, a high percentage of us. The problem is, these foods are questionable for many reasons. When I speak of conventional foods, I refer to consumables purchased from establishments such as restaurants and grocery stores. Even some home-grown foods have…

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types of food you consume

Organic vs Conventional Eating – Infographic

Thinking about the types of food you consume can make a huge difference in your health and lifestyle. Organic food is not only more nutritious but it can actually save you money in the long run when you factor in healthcare cost over the years. have created this infographic from several recent health articles and authoritative sources to help you eat healthier.…

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