Unhealthy Thoughts Holding You Back

6 Unhealthy Thoughts That Are Holding You Back

When you find yourself stressed out, unable to think straight, make your own decisions or you are simply unable to move forward, more often than not, it is the clutter in your mind that holds you back. More precisely, the unhealthy thoughts in our heads govern our lives! We all have a voice in our heads, sometimes it’s the ‘good’ voice that keeps…

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How to Stop Negative Thoughts from Getting You Down – Infographic

Are all negative thoughts bad? Consciously challenge a negative thought about an event by coming up with alternate explanations for what caused it. Learning how to challenge your negative thinking takes time. Be patient and forgiving of yourself. Focusing on your strengths is also a good way to deal with it. You can identify one of your best traits and find a new…

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Negativity Sponge

Tired of Being a Negativity Sponge? 12 Ways to Prevent Energy Infiltration and Reclaim Your Energy

Do you ever find yourself taking on the negative energy of others? If so, you are not alone. Most of us come in contact with numerous people every day – who bring us down. We all feel it. We know when we are with someone who is high-spirited and happy or someone who is low and unhappy, but why is it so easy…

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importance of positive thinking

The Crucial Importance of Positive Thinking

According to British-German scientific research, negative thoughts are able to suspend the effectiveness of even the most powerful analgesics, as they don’t expect to reduce pain. In contrast, there was twice the physical or biochemical efficacy for medications combined with positive thoughts on the part of patients. In addition, psychology studies have shown that people are born with an appeal either towards negative…

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Increase your Intuition

One Simple Exercise to Increase your Intuition

Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. We are all intuitive beings and we are all born with the same intuitive abilities, it is just that some people have had more practice. Your intuition already lives within you, it is already strong, and it is already willing to guide you. Learning to develop and increase your intuition is truly…

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conscious decision making

Changing Your Destiny with Conscious Decision Making

Feeling trapped is an unfortunate side effect of modern society. Many of us are a product of our past conditioning and negative thoughts. We tend to go through life making unconscious decisions or perhaps overthinking our choices. In today’s rapidly expanding world, conscious decision making is more important than ever. Change starts with individuals and spreads throughout the lifeline and on to society as…

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Everyday Negative Thoughts You Need to Throw Away to Be Happy

9 Everyday Negative Thoughts You Need to Throw Away to Be Happy

The crazy battle that’s going on in our heads can be a tough one. Try as we might, sometimes our everyday negative thoughts just seem to overwhelm us. As such, our entire life gets affected. Our mood goes down. Our energy levels get slapped and even the people around us change unknowingly. I know how it feels. Being an angry person, negative thoughts…

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Negative Thoughts

Negative Thoughts: How Do You Accept Them for What They Are?

Remembering negative thoughts helps you prove them wrong. Just remember the believers as well, to prove them right. No one really wants to dwell on negative thoughts, but unfortunately, they just do. They are painful, not exactly like a physical injury, but they can be uncontrollable much in the same way. If your leg is broken, you don't just "get over it" and "think positive", without much-needed rest and…

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