How to Apologize the Right Way

How to Apologize the Right Way with a Science-Backed Strategy

To apologize to someone is not always as simple as saying, ‘I’m sorry’. Sometimes, you have to do more to make things right. Finding the right way to apologize is a challenge We’ve all been in the horrible, guilt-ridden position of having to apologize when things really go wrong. No matter how heartfelt your apology is, the other person may not accept it.…

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Achieve Career Advancement

How to Achieve Career Advancement as an Introvert

If you are an introvert, you may find it hard to reach career advancement and professional success. Here are some essential tips to help you. Thanks to the extensive research in personality psychology, the world has finally embraced introverts' qualities and recognized the effectiveness of their work. Yet, we still live in a world dominated by extroverted individuals, where overconfidence and outgoing attitudes…

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Getting Fired

Why Getting Fired Is a Blessing in Disguise

In our world today, it’s impossible to survive without having a source of income. But what if I told you that getting fired is not always something bad? Accessing the essentials and luxuries of life heavily depends on your ability to acquire (buy) them. For a number of individuals, being employed is the best way for them to get income. Well, people are…

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Bad Decisions

Why You Should Make Bad Decisions from Time to Time

Bad decisions can teach us many important life lessons if we are open to learning from them. People make hundreds of small decisions on a daily basis without even noticing it. It seems like we have to make some kind of choice each time we take even the smallest step, so we get used to it. But it’s somehow different when it comes…

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Psychology Explains Why We Make Same Mistakes Relationships

Why We Make the Same Mistakes in Relationships Over and Over

Do you repeat the same mistakes in your relationships? Have you ever wondered why this happens? When you look back at your past relationships, do you ever notice a pattern? Do you always make the same mistakes and fall for the emotionally unavailable ones (guilty!), the manipulators, or those that cheat? Apparently, there is a neurological and psychological explanation for this behavior. Humans…

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Letter to my Future Daughter What Really Matters in Life

An Open Letter to My Future Daughter on What Really Matters in Life

My Darling Daughter, I know that I haven’t met you yet, but I know that when I do that I will love you with every fibre of my being. They say that there is no love quite like that between a mother and her child; I know I am not a mother yet but I strongly believe that this is true. I have…

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Healthy Couples Have in Common

This Is the Thing All Healthy Couples Have in Common

In a world where everyone agrees with your thoughts, motives, and actions, some would say we would have a much better world indeed. However, we are not alone in this world, so we have all come to understand that sometimes people will just not see things in the way that we do. This fact becomes more apparent the longer you are in a…

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Stop Making A Big Deal About To Be Happy

11 Times You Need to Stop Making A Big Deal About To Be Happy

Have you ever felt like you’re unhappy and it’s not exactly your fault? More often than not, somebody said something you don’t agree with or some little thing happen. You start sweating the small stuff. Then you become unhappy. It’s because we think too much. We talk too much and we blow things out of proportion. We need to stop making a big…

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