Gut Instincts You Should Always Pay Attention To

5 Gut Instincts You Should Always Pay Attention To

That funny tingling in your tummy, a quick urge to do something, that squeaky little voice ringing in your head! All of you would have experienced such feelings some or the other time in your life. And that is what precisely you would call a gut feeling. While instincts are natural, these are not exactly your thoughts. These can be considered as the…

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Excuses holding you back

Are your Excuses Holding you Back?

How often do you use excuses that are holding you back from living the life of your dreams? I hear it all the time, I would love to do “enter cool thing here” but I don’t have enough….. Time. ~ Money. ~ Experience. ~ Connections. And the list of excuses goes on and on and on…. Most of the time you may not even…

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Meditation and Mindfulness to Improve Your Life

How to Use Meditation and Mindfulness to Improve Your Life

With everyday stresses putting pressure on all of our lives, it sometimes becomes hard to feel motivated and with the weight of the world on your shoulders, you may become unhappy with your life. Meditation and Mindfulness are two approaches that are generally associated with relaxation and appreciating the world around you. However, they can also be used as a part of everyday…

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Types of Meditation

7 Types of Meditation: Which One Is Best for You?

Thousands of people have begun the journey of personal health. To achieve the maximum level of health one must eat well, exercise regularly, and improve their mental well-being. People struggle most often to improve their mental well-being because it is the most ambiguous and hardest to see tangible results. Meditation is the best way to mentally reduce stress and develop an air of…

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You really can change your DNA

Proven by Science: You Can Actually Change Your DNA and Here’s How

DNA generally can’t be changed, right? We are the way we are, we have a set genetic makeup that we can’t alter? Wrong. The science of epigenetics (the study of how environmental factors outside of DNA influence changes in gene expression) have proved that stem cells and DNA can possibly be altered. This can be done through magnetic fields, heart coherence, positive mental states,…

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Apps To Help You Manage Your Life

5 Apps To Help You Manage Your Life

For many people, apps have become part of life, even without realizing many people use apps nearly every day for a plethora of reasons, from listening to music on the go to play games and automating their homes. Apps are extremely useful, but can they go beyond being useful, can they actually help you to manage your life, saving you time, increasing productivity…

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Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Meditation, According to Scientific Studies

It is a wide-known fact that meditation is a powerful tool against stress, fatigue and anxiety, but did you know that it has some amazing health benefits? However, numerous scientific studies have shown that mindfulness meditation not only makes you relaxed and helps you unleash your inner potential but also significantly benefits your health and affect your body on a physical and even…

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Mindfulness Meditation to get a Better Night’s Sleep

How to use Mindfulness Meditation to get a Better Night’s Sleep

The Buddhist practice of mindfulness meditation has been increasingly adopted by the western world as evidence of its benefit has spread. As well as hundreds of years of endorsement by the Buddhist monks who utilize mindfulness meditation on a daily basis, western medicine has conducted empirical research into mindfulness meditation that shows how it can be beneficial for us all on a practical…

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