Deal with Stressful Situations

5 Ways to Deal with Stressful Situations, According to Science

None of us really know how we’re going to react to unusually stressful situations. If there’s a death in the family or within a close friendship group, grief tends to surface in the most unexpected ways. Even people who think of themselves as well balanced or able to deal with stressful situations well, find themselves baffled by their own behavior. So, what are…

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How Practicing Mindfulness Helps

How Practicing Mindfulness Helps You Have Better & Deeper Communication with Others

Practicing mindfulness has numerous health benefits. It turns out that it can also help us communicate better and form deeper connections with others. I have always found communication to be a perplexing beast. At first glance, it involves the exchange of information between individuals. However, especially in Ireland, where I live, the land of subtle hints and understated cues, what’s not said is…

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Zen Habits Change Your Life

10 Zen Habits That Will Change Your Life

If you are like many people, you'll think that life is more complicated than it is. By doing so, you line your way with unnecessary obstacles and pitfalls. Consequently, you impose stress on yourself. You'll need to simplify your life with beneficial zen habits. What is zen, and why should you turn to it? Which are the key habits that will change your…

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Get Happy Science Backed Rituals

How to Get Happy with These 5 Science-Backed Rituals

Want to get happy? Check out these tips backed by scientific studies. What’s the point of work, family, exercise, reading, watching movies, and waking up in the morning? What’s the point of living, anyway? We may be aspiring to career success, family values, or personal growth. The point is always the same: being happy. We all know the basic rules of being happy:…

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Effects of Stress Health Well-Being

The Effects of Stress on Your Health and Well-Being: What You Need to Know

Research institutions from around the world have been making progress in understanding the effects of stress on the human body and their link with a variety of health problems. Stress has been linked to increased rates of heart disease, digestive issues, asthma, and various types of addiction. It is important to recognize the signs that you are being negatively affected by stress and…

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Improve Your Relationship Using Mindfulness

How to Improve Your Relationship with the Help of Mindfulness

Are you looking for ways to improve your relationship? Mindfulness is the key to improving many areas of your life, including relationships! If it would have been a few months ago I wouldn’t have noticed how her shoulders or her gaze dropped as she mentioned her cat. Instead, I would have been waiting for it to be my turn and started in on…

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Dish Washing Boosts Your Inspiration

Study Reveals Dish Washing Boosts Your Inspiration, Reduces Nervousness and Prevents Depression

There are a number of things you can do to calm yourself down. Dish washing, is one of them according to science. Some of the things you could do include but are not limited to taking a tasty meal, taking a nap, going out for a drink, working out among others. Of course, this depends on your preferences. However, there is one more thing…

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Lifestyle Affects Your DNA

How Your Lifestyle Affects Your DNA & How to Create a Healthy Legacy with Nature

“Place your hands into soil to feel grounded. Wade in water to feel emotionally healed. Fill your lungs with fresh air to feel mentally clear. Raise your face to the heat of the sun and connect with that fire to feel your own immense power.” - Victoria Erickson Did you know that your lifestyle affects your DNA? In fact, your DNA is being altered…

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