How to Compost

How to Compost: Everything You Need to Know about Composting

There are many reasons why we should know how to compost. If you’re reading this, however, chances are you’re already aware of them. For anyone that doesn’t know, here are just some of the reasons why composting is becoming essential and we all should start doing it: Why we all should know how to compost: In the US, 20% of a typical landfill…

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Female Body Language Signs of Attraction

Female Body Language Signs of Attraction: 8 Signs She Likes You

There’s a huge difference between male and female body language signs of attraction. Evolutionary scientists believe both sexes evolved differently when it comes to picking up on the signs of sexual interest. This is why there is such a disparity between male and female body language signs of attraction. Men are programmed to seek out many partners. This is so their genes will…

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Ikigai A Japanese Concept That Will Change the Way You View Life

Ikigai: The Japanese Concept That Will Change Your View of Life

Ikigai, or “reason for being”, is a Japanese term which, like western beliefs relates to realizing your passion. How do you discover Ikigai? Unfortunately, for some people, it takes decades of their life to realize their reason for existence. Finding our purpose in life, helps us, not only enjoy our lives more but helps to benefit others now and when we are gone.…

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Fun Facts about Animals

10 Fun Facts about Animals and Why They Are So Different from Humans

With such a diverse world to choose from, it can be hard to pick just 10 fun facts about animals. Our world is full of the most incredible wonders and interesting species. From lizards that shoot blood from their eyes to otters who hold hands when they sleep. With so much choice, how do you narrow it down to just ten fun facts…

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Greatest Women Inventors

10 Greatest Women Inventors Who Changed the World

Everyone knows Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Graham Bell. But have you heard about women inventors like Grace Hopper or Stephanie Kwolek? Perhaps not. These female inventors, however, have quietly contributed to society with their innovations. Sadly, a woman's achievements are often overlooked. We detail how the discoveries of these talented ladies have changed the world. Why does society overlook female inventors?…

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Daily Habits of Successful People

4 Daily Habits of Successful People That You Should Adopt

Do you want to be more successful? Maybe it’s time to adopt one of these daily habits of successful people. Ever wondered what a day in the life of a successful person must be like? Do they set their alarms earlier? Do they consume some super food for breakfast? Are they simply happier, or more focused people just getting the most out of…

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Buddhist Proverbs That Reveal Simple Yet Neglected Truths about Life

5 Buddhist Proverbs That Reveal Simple Yet Neglected Truths about Life

In times of trial, we often turn to words of wisdom. These Buddhist proverbs might help. Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development. For those who follow Buddhism, it can provide insight into the true nature of reality. It can also bring reflection and meditation, which is what makes it a popular spiritual path for many. Even for those seeking short-term relief from…

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Silent Treatment in a Relationship

Why Silent Treatment in a Relationship Is Damaging and How to Deal with It

Hands up who has given their partner the silent treatment in a relationship? Now let’s have another show of hands for all those that didn’t think it caused their partners any real pain? Would you be surprised to learn that silent treatment in a relationship causes actual physical pain? This is because ignoring someone activates the same area of the brain that responds…

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