Things Happy People Do Differently

These Are the Things Happy People Do Differently

How happy people manage to keep themselves that way? Have you ever looked at happy people and thought I wish I could be like them? Often we look at those who have plenty of money and possessions yet they don’t appear to be that happy. What is going on? Have some people got the key to happiness cracked while the rest of us…

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Life of Purpose Personal Traits You Will Need

How to Live a Life of Purpose: 7 Personal Traits You Will Need

We are all self-centered. When we wake up in the morning, our first thoughts usually begin with “I.” And this is probably a good thing, because you are the only person really in control of what you will do, say, and think during that day. And all of that doing and thinking and saying, day after day, results in who you are to…

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Uncomfortable Feelings Indicate the Right Track

15 Uncomfortable Feelings That Indicate You Are on the Right Track

Changing and evolving are difficult things to do. In fact, they are so difficult that doing so or even planning to do so can drum up all types of uncomfortable feelings that aren't very pleasant at all. Unfortunately, many people interpret these uncomfortable feelings as signs that they shouldn't proceed. So, they stop and so does the progress they were making. If you are…

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Steps to a Life Without Limitations

8 Easy Steps to a Life Without Limitations

“You have brains in your head. And you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” Dr. Seuss absolutely got this right. But why do so many of us choose a direction that is not really where we want to go? We make life choices, we accept those choices, and then we live out our lives thinking, “Is…

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Do What You Love

Do What You Love for a Living: This Is the Key to Success

Every person has to work to make a living. However, the point is to do what you love, if you want to be truly successful. From having stressful jobs to having a profession that you do not really like or enjoy, sometimes many of us want to just quit our jobs and to do what we love to do. But considering the practicality…

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Life-Changing Questions You Need to Ask Yourself

6 Life-Changing Questions You Need to Ask Yourself in Your 20’s

I remember my mom’s mid-life crisis. She was about 40, I guess when she decided that teaching rich kids in an exclusive private school was meaningless. So she just walked away. The following fall found her in a dingy classroom in one of the poorest school districts in our city, a classroom in which we spent many weekends scrubbing, painting, and sanding off…

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How Our Names Influence Our Lives

How Our Names Influence Our Lives

“What should I call you?” My father loved it whenever someone asked him that question. “Just don’t call me late for dinner,” he always answered. As it turns out, however, what people call us may have unsuspected power over the course of our lives. In a recent Life Advancer article titled “The Laws of Attraction,” Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari explored the ancient wisdom…

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Buddhist Wisdom

12 Pieces of Buddhist Wisdom That Will Transform Your Life

Transformation cannot be done without great knowledge. As a matter of fact, the principles of Buddhist wisdom can permanently change everything. Relying on your own knowledge helps you understand many things about your life, this is true. But, your own human knowledge will fall short. If you're still young, your wisdom is limited even more so. Learning from your elders is one way…

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