Brain Exercises Make You Smarter

5 Awesome Brain Exercises That Will Make You Smarter

Brain exercises keep our brain healthy and help prevent mental diseases The brain is the most important part of the human body, and like our body, it too, ages. Since all physicians emphasize the significance of physical exercises to keep our bodies active, they also encourage brain exercises. Brain exercises not only keep our minds sharp and spirited but also help in keeping…

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Unhealthy Thoughts Holding You Back

6 Unhealthy Thoughts That Are Holding You Back

When you find yourself stressed out, unable to think straight, make your own decisions or you are simply unable to move forward, more often than not, it is the clutter in your mind that holds you back. More precisely, the unhealthy thoughts in our heads govern our lives! We all have a voice in our heads, sometimes it’s the ‘good’ voice that keeps…

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Surprising Effects of Masterminding

7 Surprising Effects of Masterminding That Can Change Your Life

One of the most frustrating situations, regardless of the kind of work you do, is when you put in the effort and then get nothing in return as a result. Perhaps, the reason why you’re not successful or why you are stagnating is because you are working alone. The days when a single person could change the world are long gone. Today, it…

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Tips to Become an Open-minded Person

8 Effective Tips to Become an Open-Minded Person

Do you always stick to your own way of thinking and concerned about getting criticism from others? Then you are at the right place. This is an article to provide you tips on how to become an open-minded person. You will never find a person who is open-minded about anything that comes in their way. None of us is completely open-minded and at…

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How to Become a New You

The Season Of Rebirth Is Upon Us: How to Become a New You

With summer right around the corner, it is time to shed off the old you, and let the new you get some fresh air. But after all of these false starts, how can one just reinvent themselves in one short season? Easy. There are several things you can do that will make you a happier, healthier individual, and now is the best time…

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Improve More by Learning Less

3 Steps to Improve More by Learning Less

What a world we live in. The information age, as it’s being called, provides us with exactly that: information. For better or for worse, any question we have, any answer we require, or any ailment we’re trying to cure, is at our fingertips. I mentioned that all this information could be for worse, but how is that so? How can more data and…

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Tips for a Better Memory

5 Vital Tips for a Better Memory

The older we get, the less we are able to remember (unless you’re so young you can’t remember anything, but whose keeping track?). This is not uncommon and becomes more apparent through old age. So, there may be times where you go to do something, and suddenly forget what you were going to do, or maybe you learned something, and within an instant,…

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Things to Know About Your Brain and Memory

3 Breathtaking Things to Know About Your Brain and Memory

Have you ever been in a situation where you question what you ate for dinner last night, and literally cannot recall? After minutes of pondering, sometimes it may click whereas other times a friend or family member may have to remind you of the food you ate, or you have to think of something which symbolizes the food. For example, maybe you ate roast…

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