Boredom Self-Discovery

How Boredom Opens the Door towards Self-Discovery and Why Being Bored Is Important

The so-called modern concept of boredom has come a long way from the 19th century. For some of the thinkers, boredom was a response to modern society, in which people are expected to be engaged in isolated labor, and to the corrosion of traditional composition of meaning. Basically, boredom means a lack of excitement and becoming easily disappointed or jaded in challenging situations.…

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Habit Formation - Lazy, Forgetful and Not Motivated

Habit Formation that Works even if You’re Lazy, Forgetful and Not Motivated

Millions of people vow to change themselves for the better every New Year. After a few days of trying, most people fail and lose track after a few weeks—even if these are the same habits they listed last year. Ask yourself, how many times have you promised to meditate, write a journal, exercise and eat healthily? Trying harder isn’t the solution. You’re failing…

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