Scientific Proof That Obesity Is a Matter of Hormones

Leptin and Ghrelin: Scientific Proof That Obesity Is a Matter of Hormones

It is a common belief that fat people are made so either because of a medical condition or because they eat too much without having enough physical exercise or control over their culinary desires. Additionally, it is a common belief that fat people only need to starve a bit to lose the extra weight. As of 1997, this entire concept can be considered…

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adrenal fatigue

Everything You Need To Know About Adrenal Fatigue

Your health is on a continuum. On one end you have optimal health, and on the other, you have chronic illness. Your adrenal health works in the same way. You can be one step away from healthy and functioning, or you can have full-blown Addison’s disease, also known as chronic adrenal insufficiency. This creates a very large gap, and I find that many…

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Relieve Headaches Naturally

How to Relieve Headaches Naturally with 5 Lifestyle Changes

If you're plagued by headaches, it's well worth the energy to play detective and see if you can support your body’s natural systems to alleviate the problem. Before we talk about the ways to relieve this persistent issue naturally, ask yourself the following questions: When do your headaches occur? What happened before? What did you eat? To get you started, here are five…

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The Science of How to Consciously Control Your Immune System

The Science of How to Consciously Control Your Immune System

On March 23rd, 2013, twenty-four scientific study participants were injected with a strain of bacteria that normally induces violent sickness for days on end. This time, however, none of the twelve people who were trained in the Wim Hof Method experienced any ailment whatsoever. They had learned what it takes from 20-time World Record holder Wim Hoff, the first person to show that humans can…

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Plan To Get Healthy

Go Ahead, Get Healthy, Your Doctor Would Never Suggest These 12 Steps!

I love traditional MD’s — they’re my best friends, family, and trusted colleagues, but do they truly know how to get healthy? They save lives and perform medical feats beyond imagination. So why am I insulting them in the title of this piece? Read on, it’s not always as it seems. Although many doctors are smart, well-intentioned, and caring, they may not be trained to…

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