Organize Your Summer Months

How to Organize Your Summer Months So You Make the Most of Them

Are you using the summer months to improve your health or are you wasting the best period of the year entirely? Unlike the moody spring or the chilly autumn, the summer months offer the best opportunities to go out and enjoy life on a daily basis. Besides enjoyment, leaving the apartment can also greatly aid your health by lowering blood pressure, heart rate,…

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Challenges to Do Become Better Person

7 Challenges to Do to Become a Better Person

Everyone has room for improvement in their life for themselves. There are certain challenges to do to achieve this. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you change yourself, but you can without a doubt change whatever conundrum you may be in right now with your life. You can either be constantly stuck in a comfort zone or you can actually sit there and improve…

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Brain Exercises Make You Smarter

5 Awesome Brain Exercises That Will Make You Smarter

Brain exercises keep our brain healthy and help prevent mental diseases The brain is the most important part of the human body, and like our body, it too, ages. Since all physicians emphasize the significance of physical exercises to keep our bodies active, they also encourage brain exercises. Brain exercises not only keep our minds sharp and spirited but also help in keeping…

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Hobbies and Habits Make You Smarter

5 Hobbies and Habits That Will Make You Smarter

Do you want to be smarter? Then begin to adopt these hobbies and habits! Smarts don't grow on trees and to get a bit of extra oomph when it comes to your cognitive abilities, it is important to work on them on an everyday basis. Now, I’m not saying that you can drastically increase your level of intelligence even if you work on…

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Handmade 3D Book Covers - Aniko Kolesnikova

Handmade 3D Book Covers Straight out of a Fairytale

Aniko Kolesnikova creates incredibly detailed 3D book covers that look like they walked right out of some fantasy land. In the age of mass production, it has become unusual to see a handcrafted item. It is not profitable enough to produce hand-made things, and it is certainly impossible to keep producing them at the same rate as the factory. Aniko Kolesnikova has proved…

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Being a Sports Fan

This Is How Being a Sports Fan Can Be Good for You

You can do a lot of things to improve your mood and your overall well-being, such as using Himalayan salt lamps and developing a meditation practice. But did you know that being a sports fan can actually be good for you also? The benefits aren't just in the excitement of watching your team win. There are many benefits in cheering for a team,…

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whats left of your summer

5 Ways to Make the Best of What’s Left of Your Summer

It is crazy to think that summer is almost gone! The aisles in stores are lined with ads about “back to school”, flyers are being sent out about bus schedules, and the kids are picking out their outfits. When did the last few weeks of August become so rushed? Heck no! The dog days of summer are gone, but our weather is only getting…

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Ways to Connect With Your Soul

3 Ways to Connect With Your Soul

Everyone talks about connecting with their soul or their higher self, but what does this really feel like? How do you know when you are connecting with your true essence on a deeper level? To discover your soul means to uncover your true inner being, understand your purpose and your passions and understand what makes you feel whole. Once you are aligned with…

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