Surround Yourself with Empowering People

What Happens When You Surround Yourself with Empowering People

It is said that you are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. So what if you surround yourself with empowering people? People you hang out with do matter for your wellbeing and personal development. It’s important to think about whom you are spending your time with, as they will directly influence who you are as a…

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Separate True Friends

7 Things That Separate True Friends from Fake Ones

Have you ever wondered if the people you surround yourself with are your true friends? Here are some things to help you know for sure. When we are younger we believe the more friends we have, the more popular we look and ultimately the happier we will be. But as we get older, start working and have busier lives, we realize that actually…

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bad company signs

6 Signs You’re in Bad Company (Without Even Realizing It)

Sometimes we are in bad company without even realizing it. Being around the wrong people can steal your happiness and hinder your progress. You may find yourself working hard to be a positive and happy person, yet, somehow something keeps dragging you down. Why can’t you seem to get this sense of negativity out of your life? Rather than asking what it could…

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Gaining Respect

Why Gaining Respect Is Better Than Getting Attention

It seems like today, people seek attention more than anything else. However, respect is much more precious than attention, and here is why. We have a mainstream culture which supports instant gratification, from posting on Instagram only to count your “likes”, to fishing for approval when talking to others around you. Have you ever paid a compliment to a friend just to see…

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8 Signs of Toxic Friends

8 Signs of Toxic Friends (and How to Deal with Them)

We meet people every day. Real friendships make your days brighter. However, some relationships can leave you feeling drained. Everyone thrives on healthy relationships. Consequently, it's important to know when you're in one that's not. So, how would you recognize toxic friends? More importantly, how would you deal with them? Types of Toxic Friends Ideally, everyone would accept everyone else. However, it's important…

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Dealing Hypocrite

4 Signs You Are Dealing With a Hypocrite

It’s easy for us to brush things under the rug when a friend or colleague says something hypocritical. Often it’s something not important and it’s easier to ignore it than bring it up. But it’s important to be able to identify when someone is being a hypocrite. Whether that’s to point it out to them or to walk away entirely. Below are some…

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Love Highly Sensitive Person

To Love a Highly Sensitive Person, There Are a Few Things You Should Know

Loving a highly sensitive person is not always easy, but it’s not a curse. You have to understand their unique beauty and emotions. I am a highly sensitive person, and I love one too. Boy, is our relationship a whirlwind sometimes. On the other hand, it can be the most passionate and loving experience, filled with sensual adventures…ahem. Well, enough about that. When…

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Types of Love Ancient Greeks

Seven Types of Love According to Ancient Greeks

Love is a term that comes in a million shades. It has been a matter of many debates throughout history. Ancient philosophers liked to examine and classify human emotions, especially the most intimate ones. Love, we can say, moves the world by influencing the development of civilization, art, wars, and history. We know that there are countless distinct varieties of love. Inside every…

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