Unconditional Love

5 Signs of True Unconditional Love: Are You Experiencing It?

Unconditional love is one of the most amazing things to experience, providing loyalty, kindness, and affection, and it seems to be the thing that everyone is looking for, no matter who they are. Unconditional love differs from other forms of love for a number of reasons. It can come from a parent, a friend or a lover, and allows us to be exactly…

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Positive Outlook

5 Ways to Ensure a Positive Outlook on Your Day

What if I told you that it’s possible to ensure a positive outlook on a whole day with a few simple actions in the morning? There’s nothing worse than waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Of course, this is just an expression, but some days it does seem like things go wrong from the moment we wake up to the…

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Healthy Couples Have in Common

This Is the Thing All Healthy Couples Have in Common

In a world where everyone agrees with your thoughts, motives, and actions, some would say we would have a much better world indeed. However, we are not alone in this world, so we have all come to understand that sometimes people will just not see things in the way that we do. This fact becomes more apparent the longer you are in a…

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Spiritual Gift

Which Spiritual Gift is Your Strongest?

There are four Spiritual Gifts or senses and we often all have one that is strongest…. Do you know when something is wrong even before you hear about it? Are you able to detect when the people around you are feeling upset or lying? Do you get feelings or sensations that you should or shouldn’t do something? This is your intuition and believe…

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5 Self-Care Strategies For A Happier Life

5 Self-Care Strategies For A Happier Life

Self-Care has become increasingly important in our fast-paced world. When we're mindful of taking care of ourselves, we can positively impact our attitude, health, and energy. Below are five self-care strategies to help us move towards a happier life. 1. Realize that self-care is an ongoing necessity. Many of us think we only need self-care when we're stressed. Although this can be a…

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