Amish People Don’t Get Cancer Rarely Get Sick

10 Reasons Why the Amish People Don’t Get Cancer and Rarely Get Sick

The Amish people are associated with the notions of simplicity and convention. The community is synonymous with the unwillingness to conform to mainstream society. You may believe their insular policy compromises their health. Get ready for a surprise because the Amish community is one of the healthiest around. A look at some facts and figures shows that illness is rare among Amish folk. …

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Character Traits Prevent Diseases

5 Character Traits That Prevent Diseases

Character traits really can make people less likely to suffer specific serious illnesses, according to a recent study. Holistic medical traditions, such as the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, have long associated character traits with health. Certain links made in these traditions seem to border on the superstitious, but there is now evidence from conventional science to confirm that behaviors and tendencies can have an impact on whether or…

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Great Grandparents Were Healthier

Why Your Great Grandparents Were Healthier Than You

The generation of our great grandparents had a more simple and healthy lifestyle. Lately, I keep thinking of my great-grandmother, and how many of family have some kind of diabetes – but she didn't. She was fit and able until the day she passed – And I wonder why. Why aren't the younger members of the family as healthy as she was? According…

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How to Lose Arm Fat

How to Lose Arm Fat by Simply Changing Your Lifestyle

Do you want to lose arm fat and find it quite difficult? This article will guide you on how to have great results. Big arms covered with fat really can destroy your image. It’s something that can influence your general self-confidence. But even this common problem can be fixed if you really decide to change your lifestyle and workout a bit more in…

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Get a Six Pack

Want to Get a Six Pack? Here’s What You Should Know

If you want to get a six pack, this article will help you learn what are the most important things in order to achieve it. We all know that working out is crucial to getting those six packs to show. However, there is more to it than meets the eye. Gearing all your focus and efforts on exercise alone won’t do you much…

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Body odor

What Your Body Odor Can Tell You about Your Health

The body odor can vary from person to person, depending on the diet they do. First of all, sweating is great. Your body sweats all the time when it gets too hot to prevent overheating and to get rid of toxins. However, when some people sweat the body can give off an odor that doesn't smell great. It's embarrassing to smell bad in…

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Benefits of Eating Yogurt

Benefits of Eating Yogurt to Inspire You to Add It to Your Diet

There are some benefits of eating yogurt that will amaze you. What else will help you keep muscles firm and young, provide skin and hair with vital nutrients, cleanse oily skin, soften your complexion and iron out little lines? And as a bonus, yogurt just happens to make plain good eating too! YOGURT, that creamy white food that every health food fanatic throws…

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eye color raw diet
Eyes before and after raw food diet (Image courtesy of Kristina Fully Raw)

How Raw Food Diet Changed This Woman’s Eye Color

Do you think it may be possible for your eyes to change color by a raw food diet? The eyes are not only a window to your soul but a window to your internal health too. Quite a few claims have been made that some people experienced improved vision or that their eye color changed to blue or light gray due to their…

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