How to Use Lemon Balm

How to Use Lemon Balm to Beat Insomnia, Anxiety and Depression

Natural remedies are the answers to all sorts of ailments. One of the best options for good sleep and mental wellness comes from Lemon balm. Guess what I just planted in my garden this summer? That’s right, lemon balm! Honestly, I didn’t know much about this plant until I did my research. There was only this voice in the back of my head…

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Boost Your Dopamine Function

How to Boost Your Dopamine Function to Beat Your Fears, Anxiety and Depression

For years I have battled against various phobias. I have researched many treatments but none have proven to be successful. This is why, when I happened to stumble across a study that associated dopamine function with fear, I was suddenly interested. I’ll tell you why. A few decades ago I had a night phobia. It was the worst of the phobias I had…

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Make Magnesium Spray

How to Make Magnesium Spray That Has Physical & Mental Benefits

Magnesium spray can be a simple and effective way to take this essential mineral. Moreover, there is a simple way to make it safely at home. Unless you regularly take supplements, chances you are likely to be magnesium deficient. Magnesium is naturally found in seawater, which these days the majority of us don’t swim in often enough to reap the benefits. It is…

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Ways to Deal with Depression

4 Ways to Deal with Depression Which Will Immediately Make You Feel Better

Depression is an increasingly prevalent issue that many people suffer from in modern society. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to deal with depression which can make you feel better. This mental illness can leave victims feeling empty, hopeless, lonely, worthless, and ultimately suicidal. This mix of emotions usually results in depressed individuals refraining from looking for ways to deal with depression and…

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How to Love Someone With Depression

How to Love Someone with Depression and Make a Relationship Work

When you love someone with depression, making your relationship work may seem impossible. But don’t give up! There are ways to make connections, be understanding, and acquire patience! It’s never easy when it comes to dealing with depression, either you suffer from it or the person you love. This disease, that dark fog of heaviness, generally doesn’t care about making positive conversation and…

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Essential Oils for Depression

5 Essential Oils for Depression and Low Mood That Really Work

Did you know that you can use certain essential oils for depression or low mood? According to science, some scents can instantly boost your mood. Aromatherapy may not be the first treatment you think of when it comes to being in a low mood or suffering from mild depression. However, studies have shown that certain smells influence brain activity. Today, we discuss essential…

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Your Life Balance

10 Signs That Your Life Balance Is Off and How to Get It Back

Do you often feel tired for no reason? Does it sometimes seem to you that you’ve lost interest in everything? Your life balance may be off. Eastern civilizations have incorporated the word “balance” in their daily routine and have made a religion out of it. For many Japanese people, for example, balance is a very core of existence. And if a person gets…

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Signs of Mid-Life Crisis

8 Signs of Mid-Life Crisis to Watch out for and How to Cope

They say life starts at 40, but not all welcome this “new beginning” wholeheartedly. Sometimes, a mid-life crisis sets in. The sudden change of perspective in life is often times an unpleasant experience. Mid-life crisis, now called as a transition, is a stereotypical period in life when people are said to do outrageous, impractical things like quit your job impulsively, buy a red…

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