How to Reply to a Compliment

How to Reply to a Compliment When You Are an Introvert Who Hates Praise

When praise makes you cringe, it can be really hard to find a good reply to a compliment without coming across as awkward or rude. Knowing how to reply to a compliment properly is a great tool in your personal and professional life. Proper receipt of compliments shows that you know you are good at your job without seeming over-confident. The trick is…

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Different Parenting Styles

4 Different Parenting Styles and How They Affect Children Later in Life

Parenting styles can affect everything from how much your child weighs to how they feel about themselves. It's important to ensure our parenting styles support healthy growth and development because the way you interact with your child and how you discipline them will influence them for the rest of their life. Researchers have identified four types of parenting styles: Authoritarian: Controlling and strict, rules…

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Harmful Effects of Mobile Phones

Harmful Effects of Mobile Phones and Cell Phone Radiation

Mobile phones are a necessity, and not many people can get through a day without theirs, but the sad news is that they may be subject to the harmful effects of cellphone radiation. Mobile phones, if not used wisely, can harm our health, so here's a list of the harmful effects they may have, and what we can do to prevent them. How…

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Signs of Fake Love

10 Signs of Fake Love That Can Reveal the Truth about Your Relationship

It’s difficult enough describing true love, but what about fake love? No one wants to think they’re in a fake relationship, but some people can be pretty devious. If you suspect there’s something not quite right in your relationship but you can’t put your finger on it, it could be a sign of fake love. “Spend your time with those who love you…

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Female Body Language Signs of Attraction

Female Body Language Signs of Attraction: 8 Signs She Likes You

There’s a huge difference between male and female body language signs of attraction. Evolutionary scientists believe both sexes evolved differently when it comes to picking up on the signs of sexual interest. This is why there is such a disparity between male and female body language signs of attraction. Men are programmed to seek out many partners. This is so their genes will…

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Highly Sensitive Person In Love

8 Things Only a Highly Sensitive Person in Love Will Understand

If you are a highly sensitive person in love, there are a few things you will understand better than most and need others to understand too. Highly sensitive people experience the world differently. They see subtle changes in the environment in behavior much more quickly than most and process information much quicker. This allows them to attune themselves to the thoughts and feelings…

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Interpersonal Communication Skills

5 Interpersonal Communication Skills That Will Help You Succeed In Life

Interpersonal communication skills are essential in creating success, and they’re so simple to learn. What are interpersonal communication skills? ‘Interpersonal communication skills’ is another way of saying ‘people skills’. In other words, they are the skills that we use every day when interacting with others. We use them in communication, collaboration and coordination, and a lot of the time we don’t even notice. The…

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Greatest Women Inventors

10 Greatest Women Inventors Who Changed the World

Everyone knows Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Graham Bell. But have you heard about women inventors like Grace Hopper or Stephanie Kwolek? Perhaps not. These female inventors, however, have quietly contributed to society with their innovations. Sadly, a woman's achievements are often overlooked. We detail how the discoveries of these talented ladies have changed the world. Why does society overlook female inventors?…

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