Feeling Stuck In Life

Feeling Stuck In Life? 11 Lies You Tell Yourself to Avoid Change

Here you sit, pretty miserable and alone, feeling stuck in life and knowing that you need to make some changes. Your job has gotten beyond stressful; your relationship is on the rocks; you gained back all 40 pounds that you tried so hard to lose; your best friend and confidant has moved away. But you don’t move. Why are you feeling stuck in…

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steps to becoming successful

5 Steps to Becoming Successful and Achieving Your Goals

Becoming successful is not a hard task, all it takes is determination and steadfastness. There is no secret formula; no luck involved. In fact, you can turn your life around right now by taking simple steps that we outline here. One thing to keep in mind is that overnight success stories burnout for a reason, they are incredibly unstable. If you build your…

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Have An Adventurous Life

4 Ways To Have An Adventurous Life (Without Going Anywhere!)

Don’t we all want some form of an adventurous life? This could mean a luxurious hotel in Vegas, new hiking trails somewhere nearby, a dirty hostel in Berlin, the amusement park in the next town over, or even trying a new restaurant. This past weekend, I took a road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Nothing ground-breaking happened with the logistics or…

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