Interior Design Tips and Ideas

Interior Design Tips and Ideas That Will Help You Cope with Depression

Implementing certain interior design tips can have a positive effect on your emotional state and even help you cope with depression. But before we list our feel-good interior design tips and ideas, let’s talk about depression. We thankfully live in an age where depression is being taken seriously as an illness. Gone are the days where the default answer was to, “Suck it…

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Home Decorating Tips

5 Simple Decorating Tips That Will Make Your Home Inviting

Below you will find some simple decorating tips you can use to bring coziness and warmth into your home, no matter how big it is. Have you ever walked into a room and felt right at home? Even if it isn’t a place you’ve ever visited before, like a hotel. Even though it’s an unfamiliar place, it feels so comfy and cozy. Have…

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Interesting Facts about Life

12 Interesting Facts about Life That Will Change Your Perspective

Many interesting facts about life go ignored because we’ve gotten used to them. However, if we take the time to contemplate on these facts, we will understand how intriguing they really are. The world is a marvelous place, filled with oddities and beauty. We grow accustomed to all these characteristics and over time, begin to ignore them. There are many interesting facts about…

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Superpowers All Women Have

10 Superpowers All Women Have, According to Science

You may be surprised if you learn what superpowers all women have. Women are misunderstood; the saying, “men are from Venue and women are from Mars” rings true but in a good way. All women possess countless abilities and superpowers, that only now do we understand fully. 10. Women can spot cheaters immediately Women can spot a cheating man just by looking at…

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eye color raw diet
Eyes before and after raw food diet (Image courtesy of Kristina Fully Raw)

How Raw Food Diet Changed This Woman’s Eye Color

Do you think it may be possible for your eyes to change color by a raw food diet? The eyes are not only a window to your soul but a window to your internal health too. Quite a few claims have been made that some people experienced improved vision or that their eye color changed to blue or light gray due to their…

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Genius Spots for Accent Paint in Your Home

5 Surprising Yet Genius Spots for Accent Paint in Your Home

After you've chosen the main color for your paint job, you may feel like the fun's over. However, there are tons of ways to integrate color by painting in often-overlooked spots of the home. The best part is the level of commitment is much lower if you decide you want to change the look of your space frequently. When adding accent paint color…

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Colors Help you Manifest your Desires

How Colors Help you Manifest your Desires

Can you harness the power of color to manifest your desires? The psychology behind color continues to be explored by scientists. Color is believed to have a significant impact on our mood and emotions. Blue Research has shown that wearing blue to a job interview promotes confidence, friendlessness and loyalty. It is believed that women are subconsciously attracted to men wearing blue, as…

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