Improve Focus

4 Ways to Improve Focus for a Better Performance in Exercise and Sports

To improve focus and develop immense concentration, you can follow the example of professional athletes. Focus is one of the most important skills in exercise and sports. If you are a Roger Federer fan, you must know the high level of focus, poise, intelligence, and skill that this Swiss professional tennis player demonstrated with every stroke. His immense concentration in the game makes him play…

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Keep Gray Matter Sharp

How to Keep Your Gray Matter Sharp with These Apps and Gadgets

Commonly referred to as Goldfish Memory Syndrome, it’s estimated up to a third of women find it almost impossible to retain and remember new information. We all have gray matter in our brain, and it’s this that controls information processing and memory function. But if not nurtured properly or unstimulated, the gray matter in the brain can lose its sharpness, causing the individual…

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words and phrases

Common Words and Phrases That Program Your Body for Illness

You may not realize it, but what you say may affect your well-being more profoundly than you think. The words and phrases you use can either boost or destroy your health. Research by famed German psychotherapist Nossrat Peseschkian supports this theory. It reveals that the negative things we say may introduce illness in our bodies. How our language affects our body There is…

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Smart People Less Desire for Physical Activity

New Study Explains Why Smart People Have Less Desire for Physical Activity

Why are there many smart people who don't like to exercise? By saying smart, we mean people who like to use their brain more than others. This has nothing to do with the level of IQ because even some of the individuals with a low IQ can have a huge passion for solving intellectual tasks. The study which was conducted recently and published…

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Brain Exercises Make You Smarter

5 Awesome Brain Exercises That Will Make You Smarter

Brain exercises keep our brain healthy and help prevent mental diseases The brain is the most important part of the human body, and like our body, it too, ages. Since all physicians emphasize the significance of physical exercises to keep our bodies active, they also encourage brain exercises. Brain exercises not only keep our minds sharp and spirited but also help in keeping…

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Ways Music Benefits Your Brain

6 Amazing Ways Music Benefits Your Brain Health and Power

One of the many ways people are taking care of their mental health and well-being in the modern world is by recognizing the benefits of music. Music has been shown to have positive effects on mood, stress reduction, and relaxation, making it a valuable tool in maintaining soundness of mind. Mental soundness is crucial in an individual’s life as it affects the way…

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Music Affects and Benefits our Brains

8 Surprising Ways Music Affects and Benefits our Brains

Music is everywhere we turn, playing a big part in all of our lives – but how does it really affect our brains and our bodies? “Without music, life would be a mistake” – Friedrich Nietzsche 1. Happy or sad music affects our ability to see neutral faces: Generally, when we hear a sad song, we can identify that it sounds sad and…

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Mind Control -Turn Off Consciousness

Have Mind Control Scientists Found the “Switch” To Turn Off Consciousness?

A vast array of direct mind control techniques are being announced in the wake of investment from the government via the U.S. BRAIN project and Europe’s counterpart the Human Brain Project All told, billions of dollars are being spent to decide what makes us tick and how to change it. We are being given gadgets that create a brain-computer interface, magnetic manipulation via…

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