High Acidity Levels

15 Signs Your Body Has Too High Acidity Levels and How to Fix It

In this article, you will learn how to recognize if your body has too high acidity levels. Does your body feel as though it is a chemistry accident waiting to happen? Do you feel unnecessarily tired, or have a palpitating heart? If your answer to these questions is yes, there may be high acidity levels in your body fluids. This condition is a…

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Start Drinking Alkaline Water

What Happens to Your Body When You Start Drinking Alkaline Water

Drinking alkaline water has lots of amazing benefits for your body. The mystery of water is simple. Water is life! The better the quality and amount of water, the better the quality of life. Many civilizations started around a good source of water and their myths are including the stories about the importance of water. Besides hydrating us, it’s our main purifier and…

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Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu Technique to Use If You Feel Anxious, Depressed or Nervous

Do you feel anxious, depressed or nervous? Well, know that each finger has an emotional connection to your emotions. Ancient medicine is surely perplexing! If you are doubting this, then you have not heard of an ancient Japanese healing method known as Jin Shin Jyutsu. Well, if this is new to you, I hope you read through this article as your mind will…

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How to Lose Arm Fat

How to Lose Arm Fat by Simply Changing Your Lifestyle

Do you want to lose arm fat and find it quite difficult? This article will guide you on how to have great results. Big arms covered with fat really can destroy your image. It’s something that can influence your general self-confidence. But even this common problem can be fixed if you really decide to change your lifestyle and workout a bit more in…

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Cucumber lemon water

Why You Should Drink Cucumber Lemon Water Every Day

Drinking plenty of water is a must for our health. If you find water itself monotonous, it's time to try cucumber lemon water. Staying hydrated is a piece of advice that you will hear from most health experts and nutritionists. Everybody has heard the story about 8 glasses of water per day being the ultimate goal for a healthy metabolism. Drinking enough water…

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Sleeping Positions

7 Sleeping Positions and What They Reveal about Your Personality

People have various sleeping positions that can reveal a lot about who they are while conscious. This is quite a surprising thing, but many studies have been performed by various professionals, in which specific personality traits have been linked to sleeping positions and sleep patterns. So… the way in which you curl up when you hit the pillow can say a lot about…

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Taking a Shower Every Day

Taking a Shower Every Day? According to Science, You Should Stop

Most of us believe that taking a shower every day is the only option and look at those who don’t in disgust. Such a delicate and sensitive topic can be found all over the internet now; however, a lot of recent researchers try to explain that taking a shower every day is not only unnecessary but also bad for our health. Many scientists…

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How to relieve stress through massage

5 Pressure Points to Relieve Stress You Should Know about

Your body has some pressure points that when stimulated and massaged, can help to relieve stress and other health problems. Stress has and will affect us all at some point or many points in our life. For some it’s where to go on holiday next, for others, it's how they will pay their rent this month. Symptoms of stress can include chest pains,…

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