Overpopulation Solutions

5 Human Overpopulation Solutions That Could Help Save Our Planet

The human population is estimated to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. It is 7.3 billion now. Experts agree the maximum our planet can sustain is 10 billion. So can we come up with overpopulation solutions ourselves before it’s too late? Why we need overpopulation solutions? But first, why is the human population growing so rapidly? There are several reasons. We have a larger aging…

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The Psychology Of Jealousy

What The Psychology Of Jealousy Reveals About Relationships

Jealousy can be a constant worry, can take over one’s life and we can refer to a lot of different psychology of jealousy situations and behaviors. For Ellen Berscheid (an American social psychologist), jealousy would have to do with the interdependence of lovers. In her psychology of jealousy theory of interdependent emotion, she explains that as soon as a relationship between two people…

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Signs of a Controlling Husband

8 Signs of a Controlling Husband and How to Deal with Him

Sometimes signs of a controlling husband are not so easy to spot. But if you ignore them, you might find yourself in an abusive and toxic relationship. When we think of domestic violence, we often have a vision of a couple where one partner is cruel, unloving, and has substance abuse problems. This could never happen to us, we might say! But this…

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Angry People

5 Things Angry People May Be Hiding Underneath Without Realizing

Have you ever wondered why your partner is so angry? Or why your boss is? Or why do some angry people in your life are more easily provoked than others? Angry people attack others and turn people away from them. And while all you want to do is probably leave that angry person alone, think about what might be causing it. Here are…

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Common Teenage Problems

7 Common Teenage Problems and How to Help Your Kid Cope With Them

Teenagers not only act out in rebellious ways. Sometimes they actually have real teenage problems. As parents, we have to learn how to help. I have three sons, one who is an adult now, and two others who are teenagers. I have learned that they have real problems. This doesn’t mean they have attitudes, although they do, it means they have pressing issues…

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Unconditional Parenting

4 Ways Unconditional Parenting Differs from a Conditional One (and How to Practice It)

Think you’re parenting the right way. Well, there are two types of parenting styles: conditional and unconditional parenting. Raising children can be difficult, to say the least. However, there are so many lessons we learn while doing so. As parents, we want the best for our children, but we also want to train them to be a production and loving addition to the…

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Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian Parenting: Things Authoritarian Parents Do and How It Affects Children

What is authoritarian parenting? The article defines behaviors and attitudes associated with this style and explores the long-term effects it has on a child. Everyone has their own unique approach to parenting. However, psychologists have identified a classification system that distinguishes between the most common parenting styles: neglectful, permissive, authoritative and authoritarian parenting. In this article, we are going to concentrate on authoritarian…

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Parental Love Is Crucial

Why Parental Love Is Crucial to the Happy and Successful Future of Your Children

The undying affection of a parent never ceases to amaze. Every child needs parental love that nurtures, heals and spurs their growth. It's crucial for his or her happiness. Life Advancer explains why it's essential for a child's development. The Benefits of Showing Parental Love Showing your children that you love them truly does wonders. It aids their development in these ways. 1.…

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