Your Circadian Rhythm 2

6 Things That Mess with Your Circadian Rhythm and How to Fix Them

You may have noticed that you often feel energetic and tired at the same times most days, without fail. This is down to your circadian rhythm. What Is Your Circadian Rhythm? This is essentially an internal 24-hour clock that is running in your brain and cycles at regular intervals between alertness and sleepiness. Often you might read or hear about it being referred…

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Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders: Symptoms, Causes and Possible Solutions

Anxiety disorders are extremely prevalent in today’s society. Fortunately, there are many solutions and treatments that help relieve the symptoms of anxiety. It is normal, particularly in modern life, to feel a certain degree of anxiety from time to time. However, if you experience feelings of continuous, excessive and intense anxiety and fear about normal situations and events, it could be a sign…

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how to deal with people

How to Deal with People You Don’t Like the Way Emotional Intelligent People Do

It’s not always easy learning how to deal with people, especially those you don’t particularly like. It’s even harder to deal with the ones you despise. There is, however, an intelligent way. To be honest, there aren’t many people I despise. There are some that I don’t like, but few. More people dislike me, I believe, and I assume it’s because I’m difficult…

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Unrealistic Expectations

5 Signs You Have Unrealistic Expectations about Life

A significant portion of our emotions, thoughts, and expectations of life are guided by what we have seen in films, read in novels or have been passed down the generations. As a result, we build a set of expectations of how life will pan out from an early age. These are often unrealistic expectations. Young children often act out fairytale fantasies of meeting…

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fear of intimacy

5 Signs You Have a Fear of Intimacy (and What Could Be Hiding Behind It)

People often pin the failure of a relationship on fear of intimacy. But what does this actually mean? Fear of intimacy is often mistaken for the inability to be close to a romantic or sexual partner. However, this kind of fear is actually a social phobia and anxiety disorder where you are afraid of being close to another human being - be it…

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Found Your Life Partner

You Have Found Your Life Partner If You Can Relate to These 8 Things

The journey to finding an ideal partner can often be challenging. There are highs and lows, heartbreaks and often lots and lots of first dates. But despite the ups and downs, the search for a life partner is often seen as the most important task in our lives. We sacrifice a lot to find ‘the one’ and we will go to extraordinary lengths…

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Getting Married

5 Signs Getting Married Is More Important for You Than Genuine Happiness

Many people dream of getting married from a young age. There is still a huge societal pressure to tie the knot, whether you're single or in a relationship. Could the idea of getting married be getting in the way of your happiness? If you're single and heading towards thirty, you'll know it's near impossible to attend a family function without someone inquiring about when…

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permissive parenting

What Is Permissive Parenting and How It Distorts Your Child’s Perception of Life

You may think that permissive parenting is about giving your children the freedom they deserve. Yet, it can be really damaging for your child’s personality and have lasting negative effects on their life. If you are already a parent or are going to be a parent soon, you are probably aware that there are various different parenting styles. Everyone has their own view…

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