Deal with Stressful Situations

5 Ways to Deal with Stressful Situations, According to Science

None of us really know how we’re going to react to unusually stressful situations. If there’s a death in the family or within a close friendship group, grief tends to surface in the most unexpected ways. Even people who think of themselves as well balanced or able to deal with stressful situations well, find themselves baffled by their own behavior. So, what are…

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Foods that Help with Anxiety

A Full List of Foods That Help with Anxiety, and Those That Make It Worse

Have you noticed that eating certain foods may help with anxiety while some others make it worse? Well, I can show you what helps and what doesn’t. Most of us know how serious anxiety can get. Just as depression keeps us from reaching our full potential, anxiety can do much of the same damage, just in a different way. Medicines are prescribed for…

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Bad Habits Anxiety

Bad Habits You Thought Helped You Cope with Your Anxiety That Actually Make It Worse

Bad habits grow from good intentions. These things, which you thought were healthy, do not help anxiety at all, so stop. I guess I’ve created a large number of bad habits considering my lifelong struggle with anxiety, and these were not habits born from rebellion or laziness. I tried so hard to self-medicate and treat my anxiety – sometimes I tried sleeping it off and sometimes ignoring…

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Your Personal Boundaries

5 Signs Your Personal Boundaries Are Too Weak (and How to Fix It)

Personal boundaries are important guidelines we set for ourselves in order to feel safe, secure and happy. These boundaries are formed based on many variables such as social experiences and personal preferences and can be physical, mental, spiritual and more. Some people form strong personal boundaries without even noticing, while others have to constantly work at defining these regulations. Some people may even…

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Naturally Reduce Cortisol

Naturally Reduce Cortisol to Beat Stress and Anxiety in 5 Minutes!

You can reduce cortisol levels easier than you think. It all revolves around how you deal with stress and anxiety Stress and anxiety are killers, literally. They can do life-long damage to your body in more ways than one. But I won’t focus on that today, instead, I want to talk about the effects of cortisol and how to keep it regulated. It…

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overly attached to the past

10 Signs That You Might Be Overly Attached to Your Past

You might be overly attached to your past, and you might not even be aware of it. Have you ever had that feeling that there’s something going consistently wrong with your life and that you just can’t seem to get it right? 1. You keep making the same mistakes. Do you ever get a Déjà vu feeling about your experiences in life? If…

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Reduce Stress Music

8 Different Ways to Reduce Stress with the Help of Music

Did you know that music is a great way to reduce stress? Stress can be brought about by many factors – work, family, school, relationships. No matter what causes your stress, we should always learn how to manage it well as too much stress is not good for our health. It could lead to anxiety, lack of sleep, broken relationships, depression and in…

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Mental Disorders Misdiagnosed Depression

Mental Disorders and Physical Ailments that Are Often Misdiagnosed as Depression

Experts diagnose mental disorders by examining the symptoms and signs shown by their patients. Sometimes other conditions masquerade as depression. Symptoms of mental disorders are described by the individual, while signs are observations of other people and the doctor. For example, if a person has a lot of crying episodes it may be a sign and symptom of insomnia. It does not necessarily…

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