How to Recognize Gaslighting in Relationships

How to Recognize Gaslighting in Relationships and Get Your Reality Back

Could you be a target of gaslighting? Below are some signs of gaslighting in relationships you should never ignore. Gaslighting in relationships can have lasting, destructive psychological effects on the target. For this reason, it is important to recognize it before it is too late. “I said that you should see a therapist, Rachel. I never agreed to a couple’s therapy,” said Tom.…

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emotional abuse in marriage

6 Subtle Signs of Emotional Abuse in Marriage You Should Never Ignore

Abuse is not just about physical attacks. It can also include emotional abuse. Emotional abuse in marriage is often pushed aside as normal. Most people on this planet have endured some sort of abusive behavior in their lifetime. But, I’m not just speaking of physical or sexual abuse. There is another type of abuse that can leave mental scars, and these scars can…

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Unhappy Relationships Traits

All Unhappy Relationships Share These 10 Traits – Are You in One?

Not recognizing the traits that all unhappy relationships have could keep us in a partnership that is bad and even damaging for our self-esteem. It is vitally important that we learn to see these traits for what they are and understand why they are present in all unhappy relationships. We ought to know immediately if we are in an unhappy relationship, but sometimes,…

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Frequent Mood Swings

Frequent Mood Swings May Reveal These 11 Underlying Problems

No one is just “crazy” so let’s stop the stigma about mood swings. Honestly, there are many things which trigger these changes in character. There is a negative view on mood swings and the people who experience them. In fact, most all of us have been through this before, in some form or another. It’s quite common to have a sudden change in…

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Breaking Up With Someone You Love

6 Times When Breaking Up With Someone You Love Makes Sense

Breaking up with someone you love seems ludicrous, right? Well, in certain circumstances, breaking up is the only solution. I hate this topic, and why? Because I was in a relationship for over 20 years, with three children and so many investments. I thought my relationship was the one that would last forever, and thus, I tried to never to give up. After…

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Types of Bullies

5 Types of Bullies in Everyday Life and How to Deal with Them

Do a person's words sound insulting? Someone probably intimidated you. You met one of the different types of bullies. You may not know that you're a target because not all forms of bullying are covert. So, how can you tell that you're subject to aggression? Who are the different types of bullies, and how do you fend them off? What is bullying? Bullying…

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Verbal Abuse Best Ways Cope With Them

5 Signs of Verbal Abuse and the Best Ways to Cope with Them

The adage "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is probably a familiar one. They are brave words that need adjustment. The truth is, words do hurt. Insults and sarcasm make up what experts call 'verbal abuse'. What is this form of abuse and what are its signs? More importantly, how would you cope with it if…

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People Become Victims Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic Abuse: 6 Types of People Who Are More Likely to Be Victims

Being in a relationship with a narcissist can leave a person feeling shattered. Narcissists are master manipulators, so it is hard to avoid their clutches. How can victims of narcissistic abuse help themselves? There are ways to break free from the torment. The first step is to understand that they are victims. Note that victims of psychological torture have distinct traits. Once they…

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